This is a SAML 2.0 authentication provider for Passport, the Node.js authentication library.
Passport-SAML has been tested to work with Onelogin, Okta, Shibboleth, SimpleSAMLphp based Identity Providers, and with Active Directory Federation Services.
npm install @node-saml/passport-saml
The examples utilize the Feide OpenIdp identity provider. You need an account there to log in with this. You also need to register your site as a service provider.
Most of the configuration options for the Strategy constructor are passed through to the
underlying node-saml
library. For more details on the configuration options and how the underlying
SAML flows work, see the
node-saml documentation
These are the Strategy parameters related directly to passport-saml
. For the full list
of parameters, see the node-saml documentation
: dictionary of additional query params to add to all requests; if an object with this key is passed toauthenticate
, the dictionary of additional query params will be appended to those present on the returned URL, overriding any specified by initialization options' additional parameters (additionalParams
, andadditionalLogoutParams
: if truthy,req
will be passed as the first argument to the verify callback (default:false
: Optionally, provide a custom name. (default:saml
). Useful If you want to instantiate the strategy multiple times with different configurations, allowing users to authenticate against multiple different SAML targets from the same site. You'll need to use a unique set of URLs for each target, and use this custom name when callingpassport.authenticate()
as well.
The SAML identity provider will redirect you to the URL provided by the path
const SamlStrategy = require('@node-saml/passport-saml').Strategy;
new SamlStrategy(
callbackURL: "/login/callback",
issuer: "passport-saml",
idpCert: "fake cert", // cert must be provided
function (profile, done) {
// for signon
findByEmail(, function (err, user) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
return done(null, user);
function (profile, done) {
// for logout
findByNameID(profile.nameID, function (err, user) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
return done(null, user);
You can pass a getSamlOptions
parameter to MultiSamlStrategy
which will be called before the
SAML flows. Passport-SAML will pass in the request object so you can decide which configuration is
const { MultiSamlStrategy } = require('@node-saml/passport-saml');
new MultiSamlStrategy(
passReqToCallback: true, // makes req available in callback
getSamlOptions: function (request, done) {
findProvider(request, function (err, provider) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
return done(null, provider.configuration);
function (req, profile, done) {
// for signon
findByEmail(, function (err, user) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
return done(null, user);
function (req, profile, done) {
// for logout
findByNameID(profile.nameID, function (err, user) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
return done(null, user);
The options passed when the MultiSamlStrategy
is initialized are also passed as default values to
each provider. e.g. If you provide an issuer
on MultiSamlStrategy
, this will be also a default
value for every provider. You can override these defaults by passing a new value through the
Using multiple providers supports validateInResponseTo
, but all the InResponse
values are stored
on the same Cache. This means, if you're using the default InMemoryCache
, that all providers have
access to it and a provider might get its response validated against another's request.
Issue Report. To amend this you should
provide a different cache provider per SAML provider, through the getSamlOptions
Please note that in the above examples, findProvider()
, findByNameId()
, and findByEmail()
examples of functions you need to implement yourself. These are just examples. You can implement
this functionality any way you see fit. Please note that calling getSamlOptions()
should result in
being called with a proper SAML Configuration (see the TypeScript typings for more
information) and the done()
callbacks for the second and third arguments should be called with an
object that represents the user.
You need to provide a route corresponding to the path
configuration parameter given to the
The authentication callback must be invoked after the body-parser
const bodyParser = require("body-parser");
bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }),
passport.authenticate("saml", {
failureRedirect: "/",
failureFlash: true,
function (req, res) {
Use passport.authenticate()
, specifying saml
as the strategy:
passport.authenticate("saml", { failureRedirect: "/", failureFlash: true }),
function (req, res) {
...or, if you wish to add or override query string parameters:
passport.authenticate("saml", {
additionalParams: { username: "[email protected]" },
function (req, res) {
In addition to passing the additionalParams
option to passport.authenticate
, you can also pass
, either as "login-request" or "logout-request". By default, this is set to
"login-request". However, in the case of the req.query
and the req.body
not containing a
or SAMLResponse
, this can be used to dictate which request handler is used in cases
where it can not be determined by these standard properties.
For details about this method, please see the
at node-saml
The generateServiceProviderMetadata
method is also available on the MultiSamlStrategy
, but needs
an extra request and a callback argument
(generateServiceProviderMetadata( req, decryptionCert, signingCert, next )
), which are passed to
the getSamlOptions
to retrieve the correct configuration.
Here is a configuration that has been proven to work with ADFS:
entryPoint: '',
issuer: '',
callbackUrl: '',
idpCert: 'MIICizCCAfQCCQCY8tKaMc0BMjANBgkqh ... W==',
authnContext: [''],
identifierFormat: null
Please note that ADFS needs to have a trust established to your service in order for this to work.
For more detailed instructions, see ADFS documentation.
Passport-SAML has built in support for SLO from Node-SAML.
Note: Fully functional IdP initiated SLO support is not provided out of the box. You have to inspect your use cases / implementation / deployment scenarios (location of IdP in respect to SP) and consider things / cases listed e.g. at issue(s) #221 and #419. This library provides you a mechanism to veto "Success" result but it does not provide hooks/interfaces to implement support for IdP initiated SLO which would work under all circumstances. You have to do it yourself.
See Releases to find the changes that go into each release. Additionally, see the CHANGELOG.
Gerard Braad has provided an example app at
We only support Long-Term Support versions of Node.
We specifically limit our support to LTS versions of Node, not because this package won't work on other versions, but because we have a limited amount of time, and supporting LTS offers the greatest return on that investment.
It's possible this package will work correctly on newer versions of Node. It may even be possible to use this package on older versions of Node, though that's more unlikely as we'll make every effort to take advantage of features available in the oldest LTS version we support.
As each Node LTS version reaches its end-of-life we will remove that version from the node
property of our package's package.json
file. Removing a Node version is considered a
breaking change and will entail the publishing of a new major version of this package. We will not
accept any requests to support an end-of-life version of Node. Any merge requests or issues
supporting an end-of-life version of Node will be closed.
We will accept code that allows this package to run on newer, non-LTS, versions of Node.
The project was started by @bergie in 2012 based on Michael Bosworth's express-saml library. From 2014 - 2016, @ploer served as primary maintainer. @markstos served the primary maintainer from 2017 till 2020 when he created the node-saml organization. With a goal to create a team of maintainers, invitations were sent to major contributors and fork authors to work together to maintain all the improvements in one place.
Since 2020, @cjbath emerged as the primary maintainer, with major contributions from @gugu and
@zoellner. Major updates from the team included rewriting the project in TypeScript and splitting
off a node-saml
module which can be used without Passport. Almost 100 other developers have
contributed improvements to the project.
The project continues to be maintained by volunteers. Contributions small and large are welcome.
“OASIS”, “SAML”, and “Security Assertion Markup Language” are trademarks of OASIS, the open standards consortium where the SAML specification is owned and developed. SAML is a copyrighted © work of OASIS Open. All rights reserved.