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Laravel 11+ package for interacting with Pesapal API

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This package provides a way of interacting with Pesapal API. It provides a way of generating access_token and storing Instant Payment Notifications (IPNs) in the database. It also provides a way of submitting order requests and checking the status of a transaction.

Why use this package

  • To provide a way of generating Pesapal api access_token which normally expires after 5 minutes
  • Offer a gateway to interacting with Pesapal v3 API
  • Provide a way of storing Instant Payment Notifications (IPNs) in the database
  • Saves you time from writing the same code over and over again


If you are looking to test this package, I have created a playground where you can test the package without having to create a new Laravel project.


Version Supported Laravel
1.x 10.x, 11.x
2.x 11.x, 12.x

You can install the package via composer:

composer require njoguamos/laravel-pesapal

This packages comes with the following tables

  • pesapal_tokens - to store the access_token and expires_at for the Pesapal API
  • pesapal_ipns - to store the Instant Payment Notifications

Publish and run the migrations

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="pesapal-migrations"
php artisan migrate

You can optionally publish the config file

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="pesapal-config"

Update your environment variables in your application.



1. Generate access_token

To generate an access_token you can run the following command:

php artisan pesapal:auth

The command will get a fresh access_token from Pesapal API using the CONSUMER_KEY and CONSUMER_SECRET and save it in the database. The access_token is valid for 5 minutes therefore is wise to schedule the command to run every 4 minutes. In addition, when you have set model:prune command, all expired access_token will be deleted from the database since they are no longer useful.

 # Laravel 10 -> app/Console/Kernel.php

use NjoguAmos\Pesapal\Models\PesapalToken;

class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel
    protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule): void
        # Other scheduled commands
        Schedule::command('model:prune', ['--model' => [PesapalToken::class]])->everyFiveMinutes();
 # Laravel 11 -> routes/console.php
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schedule;
use NjoguAmos\Pesapal\Models\PesapalToken;

Schedule::command('model:prune', ['--model' => [PesapalToken::class]])->everyFiveMinutes();

You can also call the createToken' in Pesapalclass directly to generate theaccess_token. The method will return null or an new PesapalToken` instance.

use NjoguAmos\Pesapal\Pesapal;

$token = Pesapal::createToken();

The results of createToken is an instance of PesapalToken Eloquent Model. Which mean you can call Eloquent methods e.g.

$data = $token->toArray();
 'access_token' => "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIs...6pVj1_DS37ghMGQ",
 'expires_at' => Carbon\Carbon instance

2. Create Instant Payment Notification

To create an instant payment notification, you can use the createIpn method in the Pesapal class. The method will return an instance of PesapalIpn or null if the request fails.

info Ensure that that your pesapal_tokens table as an access_token that is not expired.

use NjoguAmos\Pesapal\Pesapal;

$ipn = Pesapal::createIpn(
    url: '',
    ipnType: IpnType::GET,

The results of createIpn is an instance of PesapalIpn Eloquent Model. Which mean you can call Eloquent methods e.g.

$data = $ipn->toArray();
    'url' => ''
    'ipn_id' => 'e32182ca-0983-4fa0-91bc-c3bb813ba750'
    'type' => 'GET'
    'status' => 'Active'

info The url should be a public url that can be accessed by The ipnType can be either IpnType::GET or IpnType::POST.

You can go ahead and use the ipn_id to submit a Submit Order Requests.

info Ensure that that your pesapal_tokens table as an access_token that is not expired. Of course, if you scheduled the pesapal:auth command, you should not worry about the access_token being expired.

3. Get Registered IPNs Endpoint

There are two ways to get the registered IPNs.

  1. You can use the getIpns method in the Pesapal class to get a IPN from Pesapal API. This method returns an array for successful response or an instance of Saloon Response for failed response.
use NjoguAmos\Pesapal\Pesapal;

$response = Pesapal::getIpns();

Sample successful response

        "url" => "",
        "created_date" => "2022-03-03T17:29:03.7208266Z",
        "ipn_id" => "e32182ca-0983-4fa0-91bc-c3bb813ba750",
        "error" => null,
        "status" => "200"
        "url"=> "",
        "created_date"=> "2021-12-05T04:23:45.5509243Z",
        "ipn_id"=> "c3bb813ba750-0983-4fa0-91bc-e32182ca",
        "error"=> null,
        "status"=> "200"
  1. or get the IPNs from the database.
use NjoguAmos\Pesapal\Models\PesapalIpn;

$ips = PesapalIpn::all();
    "id" => 1
    "url" => ""
    "ipn_id" => "767e3275-d504-41a0-920a-dd752aafb5ac"
    "type" => 0
    "status" => 1
    "created_at" => "2024-03-18T08:10:32.000000Z"
    "updated_at" => "2024-03-18T05:10:32.000000Z"
    "id" => 2
    "url" => ""
    "ipn_id" => "de07604f-c06b-4ccf-9cb5-dd75aaaff99f"
    "type" => 0
    "status" => 1
    "created_at" => "2024-03-18T08:10:33.000000Z"
    "updated_at" => "2024-03-18T05:10:33.000000Z"

4. Submit Order Request Endpoint

To submit an order request, you can use the createOrder method in the Pesapal class. You will need to construct a DTO for PesapalOrderData and PesapalAddressData as shown below. This method returns an array for successful response or an instance of Saloon Response for failed response.

info You must provide a registered PesapalIpn.

use NjoguAmos\Pesapal\Enums\ISOCurrencyCode;
use NjoguAmos\Pesapal\Enums\ISOCountryCode;
use NjoguAmos\Pesapal\Enums\RedirectMode;
use NjoguAmos\Pesapal\Pesapal;
use NjoguAmos\Pesapal\DTOs\PesapalOrderData;
use NjoguAmos\Pesapal\DTOs\PesapalAddressData;

$ipnId = PesapalIpn::latest()->first()->ipn_id;

 $orderData = new PesapalOrderData(
    id: fake()->uuid(),
    currency: ISOCurrencyCode::KES,
    amount: fake()->randomFloat(nbMaxDecimals: 2, min: 50, max: 500),
    description: 'Test order',
    callbackUrl: fake()->url(),
    notificationId: $ipnId,
    cancellationUrl: fake()->url(),
    redirectMode: RedirectMode::PARENT_WINDOW,

// All fields are optional except either phoneNumber or emailAddress
$billingAddress = new PesapalAddressData(
    phoneNumber: '0700325008',
    emailAddress: '[email protected]',
    countryCode: ISOCountryCode::KE
    firstName: 'Amos',
    middleName: 'Njogu'
//    lastName: ''
    line2: "Gil House, Nairobi, Tom Mboya Street",
//    city: "",
//    state: "",
//    postalCode: "",
//    zipCode: "",

$order = Pesapal::createOrder(
    orderData: $orderData,
    billingAddress: $billingAddress,

Sample successful response

    "order_tracking_id" => "b945e4af-80a5-4ec1-8706-e03f8332fb04",
    "merchant_reference" => "TEST1515111119",
    "redirect_url" => "",
    "error" => null,
    "status" => "200"

You can now re-direct the user to the redirect_url to complete the payment.

5. Get Transaction Status Endpoint

You can check the status of a transaction using OrderTrackingId issued when creating an order. You can do so by using the getTransactionStatus method in the Pesapal class. This method returns an array for successful response or an instance of Saloon Response for failed response.

use NjoguAmos\Pesapal\Pesapal;

 $transaction = Pesapal::getTransactionStatus(
    orderTrackingId: 'b945e4af-80a5-4ec1-8706-e03f8332fb04',

// $transaction either an array or an instance of Saloon Response

Sample successful response

  "payment_method" => "MpesaKE"
  "amount" => 6.0
  "created_date" => "2024-03-19T20:08:46.39"
  "confirmation_code" => "SCJ8JQ26SW"
  "order_tracking_id" => "af2234da-03ee-4b60-b2dd-dd746bcda1bd"
  "payment_status_description" => "Completed"
  "description" => null
  "message" => "Request processed successfully"
  "payment_account" => "2547xxx56689"
  "call_back_url" => ""
  "status_code" => 1
  "merchant_reference" => "1"
  "payment_status_code" => ""
  "currency" => "KES"
  "error" => [
    "error_type" => null
    "code" => null
    "message" => null
  "status" => "200"

6. Recurring / Subscription Based Payments

  • TODO: Add documentation for recurring payments

7. Refund Request

  • TODO: Add documentation for refund request

8. Retrying Requests

If for some reason, the payment did not complete and you have the order tracking ID, you can retry the payment by redirecting the user to the Pesapal payment page.

use NjoguAmos\Pesapal\Pesapal;

$redirectUrl = Pesapal::getRedirectUrl(orderTrackingId: $orderTrackingId);

A note about responses

For flexibility and simplicity, the Pesapal static method returns an array for successful responses or an instance of Saloon Response for failed responses.

Example, when getting the transaction status using getTransactionStatus will either return an array of transaction details or an instance of Saloon Response if the request was not successful.

use NjoguAmos\Pesapal\Pesapal;

 $transaction = Pesapal::getTransactionStatus(
    orderTrackingId: 'b945e4af-80a5-4ec1-8706-e03f8332fb04',

if (is_array($transaction)) {
    // The API call was successful and response is an array
    //    [
    //      "payment_method" => "MpesaKE"
    //      "amount" => 6.0
    //      "created_date" => "2024-03-19T20:08:46.39"
    //      "confirmation_code" => "SCJ8JQ26SW"
    //      "....more field"
    //    ]
} else {
    // The API call was not successful. The response is an instance of Saloon Response
    // $transaction->status() ---> response status code.
    // $transaction->headers() ---> Returns all response headers
    // $transaction->getPendingRequest() ---> PendingRequest class that was built up for the request.

You can learn more about the [Saloon Response( You can use the response to diagnose the issue with the request.


Info Where possible, the tests uses real sandbox credentials, and as such the request is not mocked. The resulting response is saved at tests/Fixtures and used in future tests. Where it is impossible to use real credentials, the request is mocked. You can recreate the fixtures by deleting tests/Fixtures and running the tests.

composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


A Laravel package for interacting with Pesapal API 3.0







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