Connect to the OpenVPN service using Flutter. Contributions through issues and pull requests are highly appreciated!
Include the following code in the onActivityResult
method of
(if you are using Java):
OpenVPNFlutterPlugin.connectWhileGranted(requestCode == 24 && resultCode == RESULT_OK);
The complete method should look like this:
import id.laskarmedia.openvpn_flutter.OpenVPNFlutterPlugin;
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
OpenVPNFlutterPlugin.connectWhileGranted(requestCode == 24 && resultCode == RESULT_OK);
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
Include the following code in the onActivityResult
method of MainActivity.kt
(if you are using Kotlin):
OpenVPNFlutterPlugin.connectWhileGranted(requestCode == 24 && resultCode == RESULT_OK);
The complete method should look like this:
import id.laskarmedia.openvpn_flutter.OpenVPNFlutterPlugin
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
OpenVPNFlutterPlugin.connectWhileGranted(requestCode == 24 && resultCode == RESULT_OK)
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
If you encounter issues with the app not connecting using the latest Flutter SDK, apply the following quick fix:
Ensure that you include the following attribute within the <application>
tag in your AndroidManifest.xml
Add the App Groups
and Network Extensions
capabilities to the Runner's target. Refer to the image below for detailed instructions:
Click the +
button on the bottom left, choose NETWORK EXTENSION
, and follow the instructions in the image below:
Add the same capabilities to the VPNExtension as you did for the Runner's target:
Add the following lines to your Podfile (ios/Podfile
target 'VPNExtension' do
pod 'OpenVPNAdapter', :git => '', :tag => '0.8.0'
Open VPNExtension > PacketTunnelProvider.swift
and copy-paste the script from PacketTunnelProvider.swift.
You must use iOS devices instead of the simulator to connect.
Before starting, initialize the OpenVPN plugin:
late OpenVPN openvpn;
void initState() {
openvpn = OpenVPN(onVpnStatusChanged: _onVpnStatusChanged, onVpnStageChanged: _onVpnStageChanged);
groupIdentifier: "GROUP_IDENTIFIER", ///Example ''
providerBundleIdentifier: "NETWORK_EXTENSION_IDENTIFIER", ///Example 'id.laskarmedia.openvpnFlutterExample.VPNExtension'
localizedDescription: "LOCALIZED_DESCRIPTION" ///Example 'Laskarmedia VPN'
void _onVpnStatusChanged(VPNStatus? vpnStatus){
this.status = vpnStatus;
void _onVpnStageChanged(VPNStage? stage){
this.stage = stage;
void connect() {
username: username,
password: password,
bypassPackages: [],
// In iOS connection can get stuck in "connecting" if this flag is "false".
// Solution is to switch it to "true".
certIsRequired: false,
void disconnect(){
- You can use app bundles to publish the app.
- Add the following to your files in the
folder (special thanks to #10). Otherwise, the connection may not be established in some cases and will silently report "disconnected" when trying to connect. This is likely related to some symbols being stripped by Google Play. > android.bundle.enableUncompressedNativeLibs=false
AndroidManifest > android:extractNativeLibs="true" in the application tag
Add the following inside the android
tag in app/build.gradle
android {
//from here ======
lintOptions {
disable 'InvalidPackage'
checkReleaseBuilds false
packagingOptions {
jniLibs {
useLegacyPackaging = true
bundle {
language {
enableSplit = false
density {
enableSplit = false
abi {
enableSplit = false
//to here
As the plugin shows notifications for connection status and connection details, you must request permission using third-party packages.
Example using permission_handler:
///Put it anywhere you wish, like once you initialize the VPN or pre-connect to the server
Permission.notification.isGranted.then((_) {
if (!_) Permission.notification.request();
- View Apple Guidelines relating to VPN.
- This plugin DOES use encryption, but it uses exempt encryptions.
- openvpn_flutter for this plugin
- ics-openvpn for the Android engine
- OpenVPNAdapter for the iOS engine
If you appreciate my work, don't forget to give a thumbs up or support me with a cup of coffee.