based on Go Telegram Bot API and has built-in sessions allows you to develop complex bots. Your bot may use either webhook
or get update
The main idea of nxs-go-telegram
based on a states and handlers. Each handler does some actions and returns (switches bot to) a new state. First user interaction with bot starts a session. During a session life cycle bot has a certain state.
General nxs-go-telegram
components are follows:
Updates chain
Every update
from Telegram received by the bot seves in the appropriate queue in Redis. Queues are separated by a chat ID
and user ID
got from updates
. After update
arrived to bot it puts into queue. Each queue contains one or more updates
with protected time interval (stored in meta
). After new update
adds into the queue this interval increases for specified amount of time. A queue can be processed only after protected time interval has been reached.
In accordance with the selected mode (webhook
or get update
) you are able to choose following methods to put obtained update
into the queue:
- For
mode After newupdate
arrived to an endpoint in your app's API use thetg.UpdateAbsorb()
to add it into queue. - For
get update
mode Usetg.GetUpdates()
to get available updates from Telegram. This function creates and listens a special channel and callstg.UpdateAbsorb()
for everyupdates
In order to processing an update
queues use Processing()
method for your bot. This method will lookups an available queue with reached protected time interval and wolly extracts into updates chain
. Updates chain
will got a type by the first update
in the queue. All updates
with different types will be dropped while extracted. After an updates chain
has been formed it will be processed in accordance with bot description and current session state.
At this time updates chain
can take the following values:
Bot's behaviour based on session model and described by different states. As a queue
, session
defines by chat ID
and user ID
and has the following values:
: it is a name of stated defined in bot description.Slots
: in other words it is a build-in storage. You may put and get to/from the specified slot any data you want on every state of session. You may operate withslots
within an any handler.
Bot description
defines following elements:
Note that it is not recommended to send messages to user directly from any handler.
It is a set of Telegram commands that can be used by users. Each command
has the following properties:
: string, defines a command name (excluding leading '/' character).Description
: string, defines a command description.Handler
: function, determines a function that will be done when user execute appropriate command. Handler function does defined actions and returns a new state bot will be switched to.
After your app has been started defined commands will be automatically set for your bot.
Each session state
has following properties:
Library has two special states you may use within a your handlers:
: do not switch a session into new state (stay in a current state).tg.SessStateDestroy()
: destroy session. It will be clear all session data including session state and slots. Bot will go to its original state.tg.SessStateContinue()
: used only forPrimeHandler
to continue execute of source handler afterPrimeHandler
was called.
In other cases to switch session to state you want use tg.SessState(botNewState)
This handler called when session switched to appropriate state. The main goal of this handler is a prepare message (incl. text and buttons) will be sent to user and define a new session state. If MessageHandler
defined for state a session will not be switched to a new state and specified new state
will be ignored.
Note that after any user actions bot will switched its states until goes a state with break
next state or defined MessageHandler
This handler is called for an appropriate state when user sends a message. After message has been processed handler must returns a new session state.
If this handler is defined bot can change its state only in following cases:
- User send a message to bot
- User click some button
- User execute some defined command
This handler is called for an appropriate state when user send a callback (click the button). After callback has been processed handler must returns a new session state.
If this handler is not defined bot will ignore any user buttons click for appropriate state.
This handler is called for an appropriate state after message prepared in StateHandler
is sent to user. It useful for get sent messages ID.
is a handler called before any user action handlers, i.e. CommandHandler
, InitHandler
, MessageHandler
, CallbackHandler
. If PrimeHandler
returns an error, ErrorHandler
will be called. If PrimeHandler
returns a continue
session state as a new session state, following handlers will be called. Otherwise session will be switched to specified state.
Also PrimeHandler
has an HandlerSource
arg indicates a source handler where PrimeHandler
was called.
You may use PrimeHandler
to do some general actions for bot handlers. E.g., check user authentication
This handler is called when session has not been started yet. The main goal for this handler it's a do some initial actions (eg. check auth or something like) and return a first state session will be swiched to.
This handler is called when any other handler returned an error. The main goal for this handler it's a do some common actions (eg. send user a message via Telegram) and return a new session state.
This handler is called before session will be destroyed. The main goal of this handler is a do some common actions with data collected during the session (e.g. delete some files, cleanup some records in DB, etc) to prevent leak the memory and space.
You can find the example of very simple bot below. Bot asks to user several simple questions and sends summary.
package main
import (
tg "github.com/nixys/nxs-go-telegram"
func main() {
// Example of user context used within the bot handlers
botCompany := "Nixys"
// Bot description
botDescription := tg.Description{
Commands: []tg.Command{
Command: "sayhello",
Description: "Bot says you hello and begins a conversation",
Handler: sayHelloCmd,
Command: "destroy",
Description: "Destroy current session",
Handler: destroyCmd,
InitHandler: botInit,
States: map[tg.SessionState]tg.State{
tg.SessState("hello"): {
StateHandler: helloState,
tg.SessState("name"): {
StateHandler: nameState,
MessageHandler: nameMsg,
tg.SessState("gender"): {
StateHandler: genderState,
CallbackHandler: genderCallback,
tg.SessState("age"): {
StateHandler: ageState,
MessageHandler: ageMsg,
tg.SessState("info"): {
StateHandler: infoState,
tg.SessState("bye"): {
StateHandler: byeState,
// Initialize the bot
bot, err := tg.Init(tg.Settings{
BotSettings: tg.SettingsBot{
BotAPI: os.Getenv("BOT_API_TOKEN"),
RedisHost: os.Getenv("REDIS_HOST"),
}, botDescription, botCompany)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("bot setup error:", err)
// Runtime the bot
func runtime(bot tg.Telegram) {
fmt.Println("bot started")
// Updates runtime
ctxUpdates, cfUpdates := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
chUpdates := make(chan error)
// Queue runtime
ctxQueue, cfQueue := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
chQueue := make(chan error)
// Defer call cancel functions
defer cfUpdates()
defer cfQueue()
go runtimeBotUpdates(ctxUpdates, bot, chUpdates)
go runtimeBotQueue(ctxQueue, bot, chQueue)
for {
select {
case e := <-chUpdates:
fmt.Println("got error from runtime update:", e)
case e := <-chQueue:
fmt.Println("got error from runtime queue:", e)
// runtimeBotUpdates checks updates at Telegram and put it into queue
func runtimeBotUpdates(ctx context.Context, bot tg.Telegram, ch chan error) {
if err := bot.GetUpdates(ctx); err != nil {
if err == tg.ErrUpdatesChanClosed {
ch <- nil
} else {
ch <- err
} else {
ch <- nil
// runtimeBotQueue processes an updaates from queue
func runtimeBotQueue(ctx context.Context, bot tg.Telegram, ch chan error) {
timer := time.NewTimer(time.Duration(1) * time.Second)
for {
select {
case <-timer.C:
if err := bot.Processing(); err != nil {
ch <- err
timer.Reset(time.Duration(1) * time.Second)
case <-ctx.Done():
// botInit represents InitHandler for bot
func botInit(t *tg.Telegram, s *tg.Session) (tg.InitHandlerRes, error) {
return tg.InitHandlerRes{
NextState: tg.SessState("name"),
}, nil
// sayHelloCmd handles a `/sayhello` command
func sayHelloCmd(t *tg.Telegram, s *tg.Session, cmd string, args string) (tg.CommandHandlerRes, error) {
return tg.CommandHandlerRes{
NextState: tg.SessState("hello"),
}, nil
// destroyCmd handles a `/destroy` command
func destroyCmd(t *tg.Telegram, s *tg.Session, cmd string, args string) (tg.CommandHandlerRes, error) {
return tg.CommandHandlerRes{
NextState: tg.SessState("bye"),
}, nil
// Hello
// helloState represents StateHandler for `hello` state
func helloState(t *tg.Telegram, s *tg.Session) (tg.StateHandlerRes, error) {
c := t.UsrCtxGet().(string)
return tg.StateHandlerRes{
Message: "Hello! I'm a bot created by " + c + " developers",
NextState: tg.SessState("name"),
}, nil
// Name
// nameState represents StateHandler for `name` state
func nameState(t *tg.Telegram, s *tg.Session) (tg.StateHandlerRes, error) {
return tg.StateHandlerRes{
Message: "Please, enter your name",
}, nil
// nameMsg represents MessageHandler for `name` state
func nameMsg(t *tg.Telegram, s *tg.Session) (tg.MessageHandlerRes, error) {
m := s.UpdateChain().MessageTextGet()
if len(m) == 0 {
return tg.MessageHandlerRes{}, fmt.Errorf("empty message")
if err := s.SlotSave("name", m[0]); err != nil {
return tg.MessageHandlerRes{}, err
return tg.MessageHandlerRes{
NextState: tg.SessState("gender"),
}, nil
// Gender
// genderState represents StateHandler for `gender` state
func genderState(t *tg.Telegram, s *tg.Session) (tg.StateHandlerRes, error) {
return tg.StateHandlerRes{
Message: "Select your gender",
Buttons: [][]tg.Button{
Text: "Male",
Identifier: "male",
Text: "Female",
Identifier: "female",
NextState: tg.SessStateBreak(),
}, nil
// genderCallback represents CallbackHandler for `gender` state
func genderCallback(t *tg.Telegram, s *tg.Session, identifier string) (tg.CallbackHandlerRes, error) {
switch identifier {
case "male":
if err := s.SlotSave("gender", "Male"); err != nil {
return tg.CallbackHandlerRes{}, err
case "female":
if err := s.SlotSave("gender", "Female"); err != nil {
return tg.CallbackHandlerRes{}, err
return tg.CallbackHandlerRes{
NextState: tg.SessState("age"),
}, nil
// Age
// ageState represents StateHandler for `age` state
func ageState(t *tg.Telegram, s *tg.Session) (tg.StateHandlerRes, error) {
return tg.StateHandlerRes{
Message: "How old are you?",
StickMessage: true,
}, nil
// ageMsg represents MessageHandler for `age` state
func ageMsg(t *tg.Telegram, s *tg.Session) (tg.MessageHandlerRes, error) {
m := s.UpdateChain().MessageTextGet()
if len(m) == 0 {
return tg.MessageHandlerRes{}, fmt.Errorf("empty message")
if err := s.SlotSave("age", m[0]); err != nil {
return tg.MessageHandlerRes{}, err
return tg.MessageHandlerRes{
NextState: tg.SessState("info"),
}, nil
// Info
// infoState represents StateHandler for `info` state
func infoState(t *tg.Telegram, s *tg.Session) (tg.StateHandlerRes, error) {
var (
name string
gender string
age string
if _, err := s.SlotGet("name", &name); err != nil {
return tg.StateHandlerRes{}, err
if _, err := s.SlotGet("gender", &gender); err != nil {
return tg.StateHandlerRes{}, err
if _, err := s.SlotGet("age", &age); err != nil {
return tg.StateHandlerRes{}, err
m := fmt.Sprintf("Info:\n"+
" Name: %s\n"+
" Gender: %s\n"+
" Age: %s",
return tg.StateHandlerRes{
Message: m,
NextState: tg.SessState("bye"),
}, nil
// Bye
// byeState represents StateHandler for `bye` state
func byeState(t *tg.Telegram, s *tg.Session) (tg.StateHandlerRes, error) {
return tg.StateHandlerRes{
Message: "Bye!",
NextState: tg.SessStateDestroy(),
}, nil
go mod init test
go mod tidy
For support and feedback please contact me:
- telegram: @borisershov
- e-mail: [email protected]
nxs-go-telegram is released under the MIT License.