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My dotfiles config (v2)

SETUP (automatic and manual) • KEYBINDSAdditional Screenshots
- OS: Arch Linux
- WM: Hyprland
- Terminal: kitty
- Bar: Ags (Aylur's Gtk Shell) + Hyprpanel
- Screenshot tool: flameshot (git-version, built with -DUSE_WAYLAND_CLIPBOARD=true -DUSE_WAYLAND_GRIM=ON flags)
- mouse icon: Bibata-Modern-Ice (size 24)

AGS: image image


Waybar: image image




Before using this config, make sure you have:

  • Arch Linux based distribution
  • Internet connection
  • AUR helper (yay or paru) preinstalled

Automatic installation

Download script:

curl -sL -o
chmod +x
./ [--skip-update] [--debug] [--force-redownload] [--help] [--configure-keymap]

Command line arguments:

--debug: Enable debug mode.
--skip-update: Skip system update.
--configure-keymap: Configure keymap.
--force-redownload: Re-download dotfiles if folder exists.
--help: Display help message.

Manual installation


Dependency packages:

ttf-jetbrains-mono ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd htop bat dolphin clipse egl-wayland eza hyprland hyprlang hyprlock hypridle hyprcursor hyprswitch jq kitty kitty-shell-integration kitty-terminfo lib32-wayland noto-fonts otf-material-design-icons pacman-contrib pamixer pavucontrol pipewire pipewire-pulse pipwire-jack pipewire-audio polkit-gnome pywal-git rofi-lbonn-wayland-git wmctrl ranger sddm swww waybar wl-clipboard wlogout xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-wlr xdg-user-dirs zsh zsh-autosuggestions zsh-history-substring-search zsh-syntax-highlighting noto-color-emoji-fontconfig ttf-liberation zip unzip qt6ct qt5ct kvantum kvantum-qt5 arc-kde arc-gtk-theme dconf dconf-editor firefox geany gtk3 gtk4 gtk4-layer-shell hicolor-icon-theme htop hypo-candy waypaper papirus-icon-theme


Required hyprland plugins:


how to install:

hyprpm add

hyprpm enable Hyprspace


If you prefer using ags instead of waybar:

yay/paru -S ags-hyprpanel-git

cd /usr/share/hyprpanel/

bash "/usr/share/hyprpanel/scripts/"


Since I'm too lazy to write a setup script, I have a few answers to specific questions.

Q: "Open with" -> "Other application" is empty

A: try this

mkdir $HOME/.config/menus/

curl -L -o $HOME/.config/menus/


Q: Hey, I wanna use waybar instead of ags, what should I do?


open ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf file, find and comment "exec-once = ags" line, uncomment "exec-once = waybar"

Q: Can I customize Hyprpanel?


Run hyprpanel -t settings-dialog to open the settings


Windows + Q (or Alt + F4): kill active windows + Del: kill hyprland session
Windows + V: toggle the window on focus to float
Windows + G: toggle the window on focus to group (tab mode)
ALT + Return: fullscreen mode
Windows + L: lock screen
Windows + Shift + F: toggle pin on focused window
Windows + backspace: logout menu
Ctrl + Escape: toggle waybar / HyprPanel
Ctrl + Alt + T: open terminal
Windows + E: open Dolphin (file manager)
Windows + F: open firefox
Ctrl + Shift + Escape: open btop/htop

Windows + Space: open desktop applications menu
Windows + Tab: Toggle "Task View" (Design looks like Windows 10's task view)
Windows + R: Browse system files

F10: toggle audio mute
F11: decrease volume
F12: increase volume

Shift + Windows + S: Take a screenshot
Windows + ALT + G: Toggle hyprland animations for gamemode

Windows + Shift + D: toggle wallbash on/off
Windows + C: Clipboard manager

Windows + K: toggle keyboard layout
Alt + Shift: toggle keyboard layout

Windows + arrow left/right/up/down: move focus to windows
Windows + Shift + arrow left/right/up/down: resize window (20px)

Windows + [0-9]: switch to workspace

Windows + Shift + [0-9]: move active window to workspace
Windows + ALT + arrow left/right: move active window to workspace (relative)
Windows + Shift + Ctrl + arrow left/right/up/down: move active window around current workspace
Windows + Scroll: scroll through existing workspaces
Windows + LMB/RMB (or Z/X): move/resize windows
Windows + J: toggle layout mode

Windows + ALT + [0-9]: switch to workspace silently

Alt + Tab: switch between workspaces using rofi (window mode)

Windows + Alt + H: toggle window chromakey


Old-Desktop preview



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