My First Semester Project. As a student, We have a lot of assignment. Because of lot of assignment, we student find it difficult to manage our Assignment properly. So, our team has developed a project called Student's HandBook-AssignmentTracker where a student can add thier list of assignment, Due date and update thier status whcih will provide student a proper mode of Assignment Management.
- Allows user to add list of assignments to the tacker by providing a title and due date. This allows user to keep track of upcoming assignments and their associated details.
- Provide the ability to mark assignments as completed, which allows users to track their progress and easily identify which assignments are pending and which one is completed.
- Allows user to add, modify and view their assignments as needed.
- To design a Graphical User Interface (GUI) which helps the program to be more user friendly and easy to use.
Summary: Assignment Tracker project is a program, which will be developed in C will assist users in managing their assignments efficiently. This Assignment Tracker project aims to provide students with a reliable tool for managing their assignments effectively, improving productivity and ensuring timely completion of tasks. This project offers a user-friendly interface where users can add new assignments, mark assignments as complete and view the list of assignments.
You need to have GTK and GCC installed in your device.