Demonstration of CRUD operations along with user authentication and authorization in a Task Management system implemented using NestJS, TypeScript and Postgresql database.
POST /auth/signup
: To sign up a new user.
POST /auth/signin
: To sign in an existing user.
GET /tasks
: To fetch either all tasks from database or tasks based on some search parameters.
POST /tasks
: To create a new task.
GET /tasks/:id
: To fetch a task by it's id.
PATCH /tasks/:id
: To update a task corresponding to an id.
DELETE /tasks/:id
: To delete a task corresponding to an id.
id (type: number)
: This column denotes a unique id for a user which is also the Primary Key for the table.
username (type: string)
: This column denotes the unique username of a user.
password (type: string)
: This column denotes the user's hashed password.
salt (type: string)
: This column denotes the salt used during the hashing of the user's plaintext password.
id (type: number)
: This column denotes a unique id for a task which is also the Primary Key for the table.
title (type: string)
: This column denotes the title of a task.
description (type: string)
: This column denotes the description of a task.
status (type: string)
: This column denotes the current status of a string.
userId (type: number)
: This column denotes the id of an existing user who created the task, which is the Foreign Key of the table.
1. Make sure that you have Node installed.
2. Clone the repository.
3. Move into the project's directory.
4. Create a .env file and set the environment variables.
$ npm install
$ npm run start:dev