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TableInfo: subject_role.tsv

Amanda Charbonneau edited this page Feb 27, 2021 · 1 revision
id name description
cfde_subject_role:0 single organism The organism represented by a subject in the 'single organism' granularity category
cfde_subject_role:1 host Any organism identified as a host for a subject assigned to the 'symbiont system', 'host-pathogen system', or 'microbiome' granularity categories
cfde_subject_role:2 symbiont An organism identified as a symbiont within a subject assigned to the 'symbiont system' granularity category
cfde_subject_role:3 pathogen An organism identified as a pathogen symbiont in a subject assigned to the 'host-pathogen system' granularity category
cfde_subject_role:4 microbiome taxon A constituent taxon of either (a) a subject assigned to the 'environmental microbiome' granularity category or (b) the microbiome (non-host) portion of a subject assigned to the 'host-associated microbiome' granularity category [NB: This role is probably not appropriate for Level 1, because it necessitates the post-facto attachment of downstream analysis procedures (subject -> sample -> library prep -> sequencing -> bioinformatics -> taxonomic classification results) to a subject which was originally uncharacterized at this level]
cfde_subject_role:5 cell line ancestor A taxon identified as a source organism for a subject assigned to the 'cell line' granularity category
cfde_subject_role:6 synthetic A synthetic biological entity
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