Preprocessor and Build Tools for the Electric Imp Platform
Wrench has many sub commands
To build a file use
wrench build
This preprocesses the files and generates the agent.nut, and device.nut files
To run tests use
wrench test
This preprocesses all .test.nut files and runs them.
If you api key and model is set you can upload your generated code to a specific model
- wrench upload
If you want to list the models for your api key
- wrench model list
For Development: To build wrench you'll need the squirrel source: The tarball can be found here:
Its expected that the Squirrel code lives in /squirrel/SQUIRREL3 See squirrel/sq_vm.go for more details.
You'll need to build squirrel first. Follow its build instructions for your platform.
On windows wrench uses mingw, On MACOSX the xcode build tools should be suffecient. Once Squirrel is build just use go build in the project directory.
You'll also need a tool called GPP. The original site is here:
I keep a fork here:
There is currently no support for other platforms. It should build just as easily on linux as it does windows. If there are problems please submit pull requests, and let the project know by submitting a bug.
We've had one person that built on OSX and had no problems.
To Build use: Make sure you are in the root wrench directory and use the following command. go build --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"'
This makes sure we don't have to distribute .a, or .dll files around with wrench
Exact Build Steps on MAC OSX using ports.
sudo port install gpp
sudo port install go
mkdir ~/Documents/go.home
cd ~/Documents/go.home
export GOPATH=~/Documents/go.home
go get
cd src/
tar xvfz ~/Downloads/squirrel_3_0_7_stable.tar.gz
cd ../..
go build
ls -l wrench