Pivot grid javascript library.
Website: orbjs.net
Latest version: 1.0.9 (Release notes)
cdnjs: https://cdnjs.com/libraries/orb
- Drag'n'drop to move fields
- Click to sort
- Visual filters
- Drill down (cell double click)
- Multiple data fields support
- Grand totals & Sub totals
- Sub totals expand/collapse
- Enhanced scrolling (fixed headers)
- Export to Excel
(new in 1.0.9)
- Fast rendering using React
- Via code and/or toolbar
- Data headers location
- Grand totals visibility
- Sub totals visibility & collapsed state
- Data cells aggregate, style & format functions
- Theming: built-in & Bootstrap
Query aggregation results with a simple API:
var orb = require('orb');
var pgrid = new orb.pgrid(config);
// query
var q = pgrid.query()
.Manufacturer('Adventure Works')
1 field
=> 1185.17
List of fields
q.val('Amount', 'Q')
=> {
Amount: 1185.17,
Q: 44
Aggregation func
q.stdev('Amount', 'Q');
=> {
Amount: 1377.58,
Q: 3.9
// count
aggregateFunc: function(datafield, intersection, datasource) {
return intersection.length;
fields: ['Amount', 'Q']
=> {
Amount: 7,
Q: 7