Linux command-line tool to write a bootable firmware binary to SD/eMMC media connected to the S0 port of the Cypress FX3S.
##Background Cypress Semiconductor provides a Windows-only tool to write firmware to SD/eMMC media connected to the FX3S as a part of the EZ-USB FX3 SDK ( However, unfortunately, no Linux version of this tool is provided.
cyfwstorprog_linux is a Linux port of this tool and was created using the source code of the Windows tool (kindly provided by Cypress) as a guide.
There are a number of slight differences between cyfwstorprog_linux and the original Windows version of the tool:
- cyfwstorprog_linux does not have the feature to program the Cypress BootWriter image (CyStorBootWriter.img) to the FX3S RAM. Therefore, before using this tool, CyStorBootWriter.img must be pre-programmed to the FX3S.
- Firmware image size check (against the target partition size) has been included.
- The target Cypress device is specified using the Linux device path (e.g. /dev/sdb) instead of a VID/PID.
This tool has been tested with Cypress BootWriter v0.01 as provided in EZ-USB FX3 SDK v1.3.1.
Simply run the make command from the source directory:
$ make
Note: Tool has been tested using GCC 4.6.3.
A) Write firmware:
$ cyfwstorprog -img:<FW_Image> -dev:<Device_Path> [-bootp:<Boot_Part_Location>] [-nuserp:<Num_UserArea_Partitions>] [-psizes:<PartitionSizes>]
B) Display partition information:
$ cyfwstorprog -dev:<Device_Path> -disponly
C) Delete partition:
$ cyfwstorprog -dev:<Device_Path> -delpart
-img: FX3S firmware image file path (.img)
-dev: FX3S Linux device path (e.g. /dev/sdb)
-bootp: Target boot partition location for firmware programming: user, boot1, boot2 (Default=user)
-nuserp: Number of non-boot User partitions to create: 1, 2, 3 (Default=1)
-psizes: Specify User partition sizes in number of blocks: user1_size#user2_size#user3_size (Default=Allocate evenly)
-disponly: Display partition information only (no firmware writing will be performed)
-delpart: Delete all User partitions only (no firmware writing will be performed)
Please refer to the document (cyfwstorprog_usage.txt) supplied with the original tool (contained in the Cypress EZ-USB FX3 SDK) for further usage information.