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Reproduce failure in test
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zampino committed Jan 17, 2024
1 parent 97f269e commit 4b53909
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Showing 2 changed files with 56 additions and 5 deletions.
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions src/nextjournal/clerk/viewer.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -908,13 +908,16 @@
:transform-fn (comp mark-presented (update-val (comp demunge-ex-data

(defn buffered-image->bytes [^BufferedImage image]
(.. (PngEncoder.)
(withBufferedImage image)
(withCompressionLevel 1)

(def image-viewer
{#?@(:clj [:pred #(instance? BufferedImage %)
:transform-fn (fn [{image :nextjournal/value}]
(-> {:nextjournal/value (.. (PngEncoder.)
(withBufferedImage image)
(withCompressionLevel 1)
(-> {:nextjournal/value (buffered-image->bytes image)
:nextjournal/content-type "image/png"
:nextjournal/width (image-width image)}
Expand Down
50 changes: 49 additions & 1 deletion test/nextjournal/clerk/webserver_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,13 +2,20 @@
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
[nextjournal.clerk.eval :as eval]
[nextjournal.clerk.viewer :as viewer]
[nextjournal.clerk.view :as view]
[nextjournal.clerk.webserver :as webserver]))

(deftest ->file-or-ns
(is (= 'nextjournal.clerk.tap (webserver/->file-or-ns "'nextjournal.clerk.tap")))
(is (= "notebooks/rule_30.clj" (webserver/->file-or-ns "notebooks/rule_30.clj"))))

(defn stream-equal? [s1 s2]
(let [x1 (.read s1) x2 (.read s2)]
(if (and (not= -1 x1) (not= -1 x2))
(if (= x1 x2) (recur s1 s2) false)
(= x1 x2))))

(deftest serve-blob
(testing "lazy loading of simple range"
(let [doc (let [doc (eval/eval-string "(range 100)")]
Expand All @@ -19,7 +26,48 @@
{:keys [body]} (webserver/serve-blob doc (merge fetch-opts {:fetch-opts elision-fetch-opts}))]
(is (= `nextjournal.clerk.viewer/elision-viewer (:name elision-viewer)))
(is body)
(is (= (-> body webserver/read-msg :nextjournal/value first :nextjournal/value) 20)))))
(is (= (-> body webserver/read-msg :nextjournal/value first :nextjournal/value) 20))))

(testing "lazy loading of images"
(let [doc (let [doc (eval/eval-string "(ns nextjournal.clerk.webserver-test.lazy-load-image
{:nextjournal.clerk/no-cache true}
(:require [nextjournal.clerk :as clerk]))
(clerk/image \"trees.png\")
(with-meta doc (view/doc->viewer doc)))
{:nextjournal/keys [presented fetch-opts]} (-> doc meta :nextjournal/value :blocks second :nextjournal/value second :nextjournal/value)
{:nextjournal/keys [value]} presented]
(is (= "image/png" (:nextjournal/content-type presented)))
(is (= (:blob-id fetch-opts) (:blob-id (:nextjournal/value presented))))
;; the presented image has been processed to only contain their blob-id in the value
;; serve blob resolve their original contents via the elision mechanism
(let [response-body (:body (webserver/serve-blob doc (merge fetch-opts {:fetch-opts value})))]
(is (bytes? response-body))
(is (= (seq (viewer/buffered-image->bytes (viewer/read-image "trees.png")))
(seq response-body)))))

(testing "lazy loading of elided images"
(let [doc (let [doc (eval/eval-string "(ns nextjournal.clerk.webserver-test.lazy-load-image
{:nextjournal.clerk/no-cache true}
(:require [nextjournal.clerk :as clerk]))
(concat (range 20)
(list (clerk/image \"trees.png\")))")]
(with-meta doc (view/doc->viewer doc)))
{:nextjournal/keys [presented fetch-opts]} (-> doc meta :nextjournal/value :blocks second :nextjournal/value second :nextjournal/value)
{:nextjournal/keys [value]} presented
{elision-fetch-opts :nextjournal/value v :nextjournal/viewer} (peek value)
(is (= (:name viewer/elision-viewer) (:name v)))
(let [{:keys [body]} (webserver/serve-blob doc (merge fetch-opts {:fetch-opts elision-fetch-opts}))
{expanded-value :nextjournal/value}
(binding [*data-readers* (assoc viewer/data-readers 'object (fn [_v] [:__object__]))]
(read-string body))]
(is (= "image/png" (-> expanded-value first :nextjournal/content-type)))
;; blobs contained inside fetched elisions are being processed
(is (= {:blob-id (:blob-id fetch-opts) :path [1 20]}
(-> expanded-value first :nextjournal/value))))))))

(deftest serve-file-test
(testing "serving a file resource"
Expand Down

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