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[ACM SIGCOMM 2024] "m3: Accurate Flow-Level Performance Estimation using Machine Learning" by Chenning Li, Arash Nasr-Esfahany, Kevin Zhao, Kimia Noorbakhsh, Prateesh Goyal, Mohammad Alizadeh, Thomas Anderson.

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m3: Accurate Flow-Level Performance Estimation using Machine Learning

This repository houses the scripts and guidance needed to replicate the experiments presented in our paper, "m3: Accurate Flow-Level Performance Estimation using Machine Learning". It offers all necessary tools to reproduce the experimental results documented in sections 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4 of our paper.

First, clone the repository and install the necessary dependencies. To install m3, execute:

git clone
cd m3
# Initialize the submodules, including parsimon, parsimon-eval, and HPCC
git submodule update --init --recursive

Quick Reproduction

The following steps provide a quick guide to reproduce the results in the paper.

  1. To replicate paper results in Section 5.2, run the notebook parsimon-eval/expts/fig_8/analysis/analysis_dctcp.ipynb.

  2. To replicate paper results in Section 5.3, run the notebook parsimon-eval/expts/fig_7/analysis/analysis.ipynb.

  3. To replicate paper results in Section 5.4, run the notebook parsimon-eval/expts/fig_8/analysis/analysis_counterfactual.ipynb.

From Scratch

  1. Ensure you have installed: Python 3, Rust, Cargo (nightly Version), gcc-9 (for compiling the flowSim and inference), and gcc-5 (for running ns-3). For example, use the environment.yml conda environment file, and follow the additional instructions for installing the other packages.
# Create a new conda environment for Python 3.9
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate m3
# Install Rust and Cargo,
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
# setup the path and check the installation using rustc --version. Then switch to nightly version
rustup install nightly
rustup default nightly
# Install gcc-5 via
sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list
# Add the following lines in the sources.list file
deb xenial main
deb xenial universe
# Update the package list
sudo apt update
# Install gcc-5
sudo apt install gcc-5 g++-5
# Install gcc-9
sudo apt-get install gcc-9 g++-9
  1. To build the C libraries for m3 via gcc-9:
cd clibs
make run
cd ..
  1. For setting up the HPCC repository for data generation, follow the detailed instructions in parsimon/backends/High-Precision-Congestion-Control/simulation/
cd parsimon/backends/High-Precision-Congestion-Control/simulation
CC='gcc-5' CXX='g++-5' CXXFLAGS='-std=c++11' ./waf configure --build-profile=optimized
  1. The checkpotins for the end-to-end m3 pipeline are available in the ckpts directory. You can use them directly for the following steps. Please refer to the section Train your own model for training the model from scratch.

  2. To replicate paper results in Section 5.2, run the following in the parsimon-eval/expts/fig_8 directory:

# all_dctcp.mix.json provides 1 simulation configuration. The entire list of configurations is available in all_dctcp_full.mix.json
cargo run --release -- --root=./data --mixes spec/all_dctcp.mix.json ns3-config
cargo run --release -- --root=./data --mixes spec/all_dctcp.mix.json pmn-m
cargo run --release -- --root=./data --mixes spec/all_dctcp.mix.json mlsys

Note: m3 uses the HPCC Codebase to run ns-3. Most errors you may encounter are likely related to the ns-3 setup. If so, please check if the directory m3/parsimon-eval/expts/fig_8/data/0/ns3-config/2/ exists. You should find the bug details in m3/parsimon-eval/expts/fig_8/data/0/ns3-config/2/output.txt. If the file m3/parsimon-eval/expts/fig_8/data/0/ns3-config/2/fct_topology_flows_dctcp.txt is continuously updating, it means everything is working correctly. Each line in the file represents a completed flow.

Then reproduce the results in the notebook parsimon-eval/expts/fig_8/analysis/analysis_dctcp.ipynb. Note that ns3-config is time-consuming and may take 1-7 days to complete.

  1. To replicate paper results in Section 5.3, run the following in the parsimon-eval/expts/fig_7 directory:
cargo run --release -- --root=./data --mix spec/0.mix.json ns3
cargo run --release -- --root=./data --mix spec/0.mix.json pmn-m
cargo run --release -- --root=./data --mix spec/0.mix.json mlsys

cargo run --release -- --root=./data --mix spec/1.mix.json ns3
cargo run --release -- --root=./data --mix spec/1.mix.json pmn-m
cargo run --release -- --root=./data --mix spec/1.mix.json mlsys

Then reproduce the results in the notebook parsimon-eval/expts/fig_7/analysis/analysis.ipynb.

  1. To replicate paper results in Section 5.4, run the following in the parsimon-eval/expts/fig_8 directory:
cargo run --release -- --root=./data_hpcc --mixes spec/all_counterfactual_hpcc.mix.json ns3-config
cargo run --release -- --root=./data_hpcc --mixes spec/all_counterfactual_hpcc.mix.json pmn-m
cargo run --release -- --root=./data_hpcc --mixes spec/all_counterfactual_hpcc.mix.json mlsys

cargo run --release -- --root=./data_window --mixes spec/all_counterfactual_window.mix.json ns3-config
cargo run --release -- --root=./data_window --mixes spec/all_counterfactual_window.mix.json pmn-m
cargo run --release -- --root=./data_window --mixes spec/all_counterfactual_window.mix.json mlsys

Then reproduce the results in the notebook parsimon-eval/expts/fig_8/analysis/analysis_counterfactual.ipynb.

Train your own model

  • Please use the demo data in data in the main directory to test the training process.
  1. To generate data for training and testing your own model, run:
cd parsimon/backends/High-Precision-Congestion-Control/gen_path
cargo run --release -- --python-path {path_to_python} --output-dir {dir_to_save_data}

cargo run --release -- --python-path /data1/lichenni/software/anaconda3/envs/py39/bin/python --output-dir /data1/lichenni/m3/data

Note to adjust generation parameters in parsimon/backends/High-Precision-Congestion-Control/gen_path/src/ (lines 34-37) and parsimon/backends/High-Precision-Congestion-Control/simulation/

// parsimon/backends/High-Precision-Congestion-Control/gen_path/src/
shard: (0..2000).collect(), // number of diverse workloads
n_flows: vec![20000], // number of flows per (src, dst) host pair
n_hosts: vec![3, 5, 7], // type of multi-hop paths, e.g., 2-hop, 4-hop, 6-hop
shard_cc: (0..20).collect(), // number of diverse network configurations, such different CCAs, CCA parameters, etc.

// We use the following parameters to generate the demo data to test
shard: (0..100).collect(), // number of diverse workloads
n_flows: vec![100], // number of flows per (src, dst) host pair
n_hosts: vec![3], // type of multi-hop paths, e.g., 2-hop, 4-hop, 6-hop
shard_cc: (0..1).collect(), // number of diverse network configurations, such different CCAs, CCA parameters, etc.
# parsimon/backends/High-Precision-Congestion-Control/simulation/
bfsz=[20,50,10] # The buffer size in KB is uniformly sampled from [bfsz[0], bfsz[1]] * bfsz[2]
fwin=[5, 30,1000] # The window size in Byte is uniformly sampled from [fwin[0], fwin[1]] * fwin[2]
enable_pfc=[0,1] # Enable PFC or not
  1. For training the model, ensure you're using the Python 3 environment and configure settings in config/train_config_path.yaml. See the detailed configurations in config/train_config_path.yaml for the dataset, model, and training parameters. Then execute:
cd m3
python --train_config=./config/train_config_path.yaml --mode=train --dir_input={dir_to_save_data} --dir_output={dir_to_save_ckpts}

python --train_config=./config/train_config_path_demo.yaml --mode=train --dir_input=/data1/lichenni/m3/data --dir_output=/data1/lichenni/m3/

Note to change the gpu_id in config/train_config_path.yaml to the desired GPU ID you wish to use. For example, we set it to [0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3], which means we use GPUs-[0,1,2,3] with 4 processes on each GPU. FYI, the default PytorchLightning does not support multi-worker training on a single GPU, which requries specific modifications. Also, change the configurations for the dataset or model for your specific use case.

  1. To create checkpoints for the end-to-end m3 pipeline:
cd m3
python --dir_output={dir_to_save_ckpts}

python --dir_output=/data1/lichenni/m3/ckpts

Note the checkpoints will be saved in the ckpts directory, one is for the Llama-2 model and the other is for the 2-layer MLP model.

Repository Structure

├── ckpts          # Checkpoints of Llama-2 and 2-layer MLP used in m3
├── clibs          # C libraries for running the path-level simulation in m3
├── config         # Configuration files for training and testing m3
├── parsimon       # Core functionalities of Parsimon and m3
│   └── backends
│       └── High-Precision-Congestion-Control   # HPCC repository for data generation
├── parsimon-eval  # Scripts to reproduce m3 experiments and comparisons
├── util           # Utility functions for m3, including data loader and ML model implementations
├──   # Script to generate checkpoints for m3
└──   # Main script for training and testing m3

Citation Information

If our work assists in your research, kindly cite our paper as follows:

    author = {Li, Chenning and Nasr-Esfahany, Arash and Zhao, Kevin and Noorbakhsh, Kimia and Goyal, Prateesh and Alizadeh, Mohammad and Anderson, Thomas},
    title = {m3: Accurate Flow-Level Performance Estimation using Machine Learning},
    year = {2024},


Special thanks to Kevin Zhao and Thomas Anderson for their insights shared in the NSDI'23 paper Scalable Tail Latency Estimation for Data Center Networks. The source codes can be found in Parsimon.

Getting in Touch

For further inquiries, reach out to Chenning Li at [email protected]


[ACM SIGCOMM 2024] "m3: Accurate Flow-Level Performance Estimation using Machine Learning" by Chenning Li, Arash Nasr-Esfahany, Kevin Zhao, Kimia Noorbakhsh, Prateesh Goyal, Mohammad Alizadeh, Thomas Anderson.







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