First Release of Neo4j-Graph-Algorithms
Pre-releaseThis release is providing the first preview of the neo4j-graph-algorithms library
The goal is to provide parallel versions of common graph algorithms for Neo4j exposed as Cypher user defined procedures:
- Page Rank
- Betweenness Centrality
- Closeness Centrality
- Clustering: Louvain
- Clustering: Label Propagation
- Minimum Weight Spanning Tree
- All Pairs- and Single Source - Shortest Path
- (Weakly) Connected Components
- Strongly Connected Components
These procedures work on a subgraph optionally filtered by label and relationship-type. Future versions will also provide filtering and projection using Cypher queries.
We'd love your feedback, so please try out these algorithms and let us know how well they work for your use-case. Also please note things that you miss from installation instructions, readme, etc.
Please raise GitHub issues for anything you encounter or join the neo4j-users Slack group and ask in the #neo4j-graph-algorithm channel.
You can find the documentation (WIP) here
This release is not yet published to Maven Central.