converts pxar parameter files to POS files
- Python (2.7)
- MySQL-python ("pip install MySQL-python")
- ROOT (5.34+ or 6 recommended)
- adjust configuration values in, e.g. path of module position table, which is a simple text file. It's format can bee seen in:
where as example 2 fictional modules M2222 and M2223 are entered. - run
./ -m M2222
to write the parameters for M2222 to the output folder defined in - or load the pxar2POSConverter class directly from your application
Data is read from a remote MySQL server if config option DataSource contains 'http://' as prefix (see default), otherwise from local pxar folder structure.
show all available command line options:
./ --help
write FT at -20 parameters trimmed to 35 to default output folder:
./ -m M2222
get parameters for module M2222 from first fulltest at -20, trimmed to 35:
./ -m M2222 -T 35 -t m20_1 -o Parameters_m20_trim35/
get untrimmed parameters at +17:
./ -m M2222 -T -1 -t p17 -o Parameters_p17_untrimmed/
interpolate DACs linearly between -20 and +17 ----> to +8 degrees and save in dedicated folder:
./ -m M2222 -t p8 -o Parameters_p8/
get configuration from MySQL DB running at localhost:
./ -m M2222 -s
create default configuration for a module which does not exist in DB:
./ -m M9999 -s default
create DACs for BB test (bump bonding) via simple pixel alive through sensor, from DB:
./ -m M2222 -w dac -s BBTEST:
(with bash) write whole detector configuration to config ID 2:
for i in `cat ModulePositions/161222.txt | awk '{print $1}'`; do ./ -i 2 -m $i; done
With this option, DACs/TBM parameters can be changed for the whole configuration at once. Pxar2POS always creates a new copy the the currently selected configuration (UserConfig.ini or -i
switch) to a new one and only changed the new configuration.
Format is:
with {subfolder}
one of:
- tbm
- dac
- mask
- iana
- set
- and (bitwise)
- or (bitwise)
- incr4bit (result clipped in range 0-15)
- incr8bit (result clipped in range 0-255)
specifies which line to change, e.g. which DAC, and {value} is the operand.
is an expression, which needs to be matched in a line of the file before any single replacement (*
is wildcard). It can be used to target only specific ROCs or layers.
increase Vdig on ROC 2 by 1 for all modules (take care of L1 naming convention here!!):
./ --do "dac:*F_MOD*_ROC2?incr4bit:Vdd:1"
set the DisablePKAMCounter flags to 0 for L4 modules:
./ --do "tbm:*_LYR4_*?set:TBMADisablePKAMCounter:0;tbm:*_LYR4_*?set:TBMBDisablePKAMCounter:0"
set token/header/trailer delay to 1 for all modules, without touching port delays:
./ --do "tbm:or:TBMADelay:192;tbm:or:TBMBDelay:192"
set token/header/trailer delay to 0 for all modules, without touching port delays:
./ --do "tbm:and:TBMADelay:63;tbm:and:TBMBDelay:63"
just copy configuration with ID 2
to a new configuration and don't do anything with it (new ID assigned automatically):
./ --do "exit" -i 2