GitHub project for MSHI course HLTI 06200
This course introduces students to concepts in computer programming using the Python programming language. In this course, students will learn to conceptualize steps required to perform a task, manipulate files, create loops, and functions. By the end of this course, students will have a basic understanding of computer programming, a working knowledge of the Python programming language, and they will be able to share their scripts to collaborate with other team members.
For this assignment, you will set up a free account and publish your first repository there—After publishing your repository there, come back to the discussion board and share it with the class by posting your URL.
Create a account.
Create a new repository by clicking the “New” button on your repository’s page.
Follow the instructions shown to you on your new repository page for how to publish your repository. You may either follow the steps for “creating a new repository from the command line” or “push an existing repository from the command line” to complete this assignment. If you like, you can push the repository you made during Week 13.
Submit the URL of your new repository to this discussion board.