Dockerfile - used to build image for spark
spark-defaults.conf - properties for history server - starts the Spark master and worker service, binds it to a specific IP address and port, and configures the web UI port. It also writes the console output to a log file for debugging and monitoring purposes.
docker-compose.yml - creates spark master, workers and history server containers using image built by Dockerfile
Folder Structure:
apps - - Pyspark code to import csv (with or without header) file(s), transform and load them to the delta table.
This script takes 3 parameters (input csv file path, output path for delta table and header flag for input csv file(s))
classes - Folder contains classes required in
config - contains configuration file for spark job
test - Folder contains test scripts for
venv - virtual env to run test locally
data - input folder for csv files (cf_in), output folder for delta table (cf_out), archive folder (cf_processed) and
test folders for unittests
logs - folder to hold all the event logs
venv - venv to run the tests locally
*NOTE: cf_in folder needs to be created manually under data folder.
Application Readiness:
- Create a docker image using
docker build -t cfp-apache-spark:3.3.1 .
- Run docker-compose to create containers
docker-compose up -d
- List the docker containers
docker ps
- To enter a container
docker exec -ti <container id> /bin/bash
Job Execution - Place file(s) under cf_in folder and use below command to trigger a job run in spark master container
/opt/spark/bin/spark-submit --packages --master spark://spark-master:7077 /opt/spark-apps/ -i "/opt/spark-data/cf_in" -o "/opt/spark-data/cf_out/delta/cf" -h "true"