This is a simple implementation of the classic Tic Tac Toe game in Python. The game features a clean and intuitive user interface, and allows two players to play against each other.
To get started, simply download the Python file ''. You can run the program by executing the following command in your terminal: python
Before starting the game, you will be prompted to enter the names of the two players. If you do not enter a name for a player, a default name ("Player 1" or "Player 2") will be used.
Once you have entered the player names, click the "Start Game" button to begin playing. The game will begin with Player 1 ("X") taking the first turn. To place a mark, simply click on an empty cell on the game board.
The game will continue until one player wins, or until the game is tied. If one player wins, a message box will appear to inform you of the result. You can then restart the game by clicking the "Restart" button.
This program was created by Nafianjaaay. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].