A basic tool to monitor the network and servers in a data centre.
- Pings IP addresses
- Tests if SSH is working with the given username and password
- Checks and stores CPU data
- Checks and stores memory utilisation
- Checks and stores disk utilisation
- Checks and stores uptime
- Finds last 5 logged in users
- Inputs must be in
- Column names "IP", "Rack_number", "Username", "Password" must not be changed.
- "IP" should always be the first column
- Make sure there are absolutely no errors in the addresses.
We have done as much error handling as possible, there might be unhandled cases.
$ cd backend
HBase must be installed (https://hbase.apache.org/book.html#quickstart).\ To initialise the tables
$ python util/tables_init.py
To clear the tables
$ python util/tables_clr.py
The application does not initialise or clear tables by itself.
Before running, make sure tables are initialised.
- Create input file
as above - Make sure HBase is running
(In HBase folder,$ bin/start-hbase.sh
) - Thrift must be running on port 9090
(In HBase folder,$ bin/hbase-daemon.sh start thrift -p 9090
) - To start daemon processes,
$ daemon/dcmt.sh start [timeout] [ping and ssh update freq] [snmp update freq]
- To stop daemon processes,
$ daemon/dcmt.sh stop
- To restart daemon processes,
$ daemon/dcmt.sh restart
- To start flask app,
$ python flaskapp.py
- Outputs are stored as in tables
in HBase - Daemon output and errors stored in
$ cd frontend
$ yarn
$ yarn start
- Last logged in (user, time)
- Users on the systems (other than root)
- Ansible (low priority)
- Check out front-end
- Check switch, router health (1)
- Display log files (head, tail, entire file)