Kind runs a k8s cluster in docker.
Please install and configure Kind as described here:
- mkcert for TLS
Create a k8s cluster (v1.20.15) with 3 nodes and nginx-ingress (v1.2.1):
./ [clusterName]
If mkcert
is available, cert-manager with a CA Cluster Issuer named ca-cluster-issuer
for mkcert CA will also be installed.
Tear down the cluster with
./ [clusterName]
There is a small configuration script to test the cluster, which will create
- a namespace
- a deployment/service/ingress for
- a deployment/service/ingress for
kubectl apply -f test.yaml
The reachability of the echo deployment can be tested with
curl localhost/foo
which should return bar
The tomcat is deployed without any webapps, so
curl localhost/tomcat
should return a 404
To test the ca-cluster-issuer
you can use this configuration:
kubectl apply -f test-ca.yaml
Afterwards the above curl
commands have to be executed with https://<url>