⚠️ MysteriumVPN 2.0 for Desktop is available. https://www.mysteriumvpn.com
Mysterium VPN is a Desktop VPN client for Windows, macOS and Linux.
It is the first Mysterium Network use case in action. Our dVPN is our flagship product and showcases the potential of our residential IP network. Learn more
Download and install the latest version for your platform. After installation, run MysteriumVPN to get started.
- Download the
package from releases - Install app with dependencies:
sudo apt install ./package-name.deb
- Download the
package from releases - Install app with dependencies:
sudo dnf install package-name.rpm
- Download the
package from releases - Open the package and drag
onto theApplications
- Mysterium VPN can also be installed with Homebrew:
brew install --cask mysteriumvpn
- Update
brew upgrade --cask mysteriumvpn
- Download the
file from releases - Run the executable to install
- Mysterium VPN can also be installed with chocolatey:
choco install -y mysteriumvpn
- Update
choco update -y mysteriumvpn
Logs help to debug issues when something goes wrong. Make sure to attach all of them when submitting a bug report.
** Note: In development mode, application logs are printed to the console
- Node >=16 LTS
- yarn
Install and build the project
yarn && yarn build
Start (webpack dev server with hot reload):
yarn dev
Required env variables (macOS):
- APPLEIDPASS (generate an app-specific password for this)
yarn bundle
When upgrading, upload debug symbols to sentry:
node sentry-symbols.js