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React Native module for playing sound clips on iOS and Android.

Feature matrix

Feature | iOS | Android ---|---|---|--- Load sound from the app bundle | ✓ | ✓ Load sound from other directories | ✓ | ✓ Load sound from the network | | Play sound | ✓ | ✓ Playback completion callback | ✓ | ✓ Pause | ✓ | ✓ Resume | ✓ | ✓ Stop | ✓ | ✓ Release resource | ✓ | ✓ Get duration | ✓ | ✓ Get number of channels | ✓ | Get/set volume | ✓ | ✓ Get/set pan | ✓ | Get/set loops | ✓ | ✓ Get/set current time | ✓ | ✓


First install the npm package from your app directory:

npm install react-native-sound --save

Installation on iOS

In XCode, right click Libraries. Click Add Files to "[Your project]". Navigate to node_modules/react-native-sound. Add the file RNSound.xcodeproj.

In the Project Navigator, select your project. Click the build target. Click Build Phases. Expand Link Binary With Libraries. Click the plus button and add libRNSound.a under Workspace.

Drag and drop sound files into Project Navigator to add them to the project. Verify that the files are packaged in the app bundle in either way:

  • Select a sound file in the Project Navigator, tick the checkbox in the Target Membership list on the right.
  • Alternatively, click the build target, click Build Phases, expand Copy Bundle Resources, add the file if it's not already listed.

Run your project (⌘+R).

Installation on Android

Edit android/settings.gradle to declare the project directory:

include ':RNSound', ':app'
project(':RNSound').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-sound/android')

Edit android/app/build.gradle to declare the project dependency:

dependencies {
  compile project(':RNSound')

Edit android/app/src/main/java/.../ to register the native module:

import com.zmxv.RNSound.RNSoundPackage; // <-- New

public class MainActivity extends ReactActivity {
  protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
    return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
        new MainReactPackage(),
        new RNSoundPackage() // <-- New

For older templates, edit as follows:

import com.zmxv.RNSound.RNSoundPackage; // <-- New

public class MainActivity extends Activity implements DefaultHardwareBackBtnHandler {
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){
    mReactInstanceManager = ReactInstanceManager.builder()
      .addPackage(new MainReactPackage())
      .addPackage(new RNSoundPackage()) // <-- New

Save your sound clip files under the directory android/app/src/main/res/raw, or any other directory in which case you need to pass the full path into the Sound constructor.

Demo project

Basic usage

// Import the react-native-sound module
var Sound = require('react-native-sound');

// Load the sound file 'whoosh.mp3' from the app bundle
// See notes below about preloading sounds within initialization code below.
var whoosh = new Sound('whoosh.mp3', Sound.MAIN_BUNDLE, (error) => {
  if (error) {
    console.log('failed to load the sound', error);
  } else { // loaded successfully
    console.log('duration in seconds: ' + whoosh.getDuration() +
        'number of channels: ' + whoosh.getNumberOfChannels());

// Play the sound with an onEnd callback => {
  if (success) {
    console.log('successfully finished playing');
  } else {
    console.log('playback failed due to audio decoding errors');

// Reduce the volume by half

// Position the sound to the full right in a stereo field

// Loop indefinitely until stop() is called

// Get properties of the player instance
console.log('volume: ' + whoosh.getVolume());
console.log('pan: ' + whoosh.getPan());
console.log('loops: ' + whoosh.getNumberOfLoops());

// Enable playback in silence mode (iOS only)
// Sound.enableInSilenceMode(true);

// Seek to a specific point in seconds

// Get the current playback point in seconds
whoosh.getCurrentTime((seconds) => console.log('at ' + seconds));

// Pause the sound

// Stop the sound and rewind to the beginning

// Release the audio player resource


constructor(filename, basePath, onError)

filename {string} Either absolute or relative path to the sound file

basePath {?string} Optional base path of the file. Omit this or pass '' if filename is an absolute path. Otherwise, you may use one of the predefined directories: Sound.MAIN_BUNDLE, Sound.DOCUMENT, Sound.LIBRARY, Sound.CACHES.

onError {?function(error, props)} Optional callback function. If the file is successfully loaded, the first parameter error is null, and props contains an object with two properties: duration (in seconds) and numberOfChannels (1 for mono and 2 for stereo sound), both of which can also be accessed from the Sound instance object. If an initialization error is encountered (e.g. file not found), error will be an object containing code, description, and the stack trace.


Return true if the sound has been loaded.


onEnd {?function(successfully)} Optinoal callback function that gets called when the playback finishes successfully or an audio decoding error interrupts it.


Pause the sound.


Stop the playback.


Release the audio player resource associated with the instance.


Return the duration in seconds, or -1 before the sound gets loaded.


Return the number of channels (1 for mono and 2 for stereo sound), or -1 before the sound gets loaded.


Return the volume of the audio player (not the system-wide volume), ranging from 0.0 (silence) through 1.0 (full volume, the default).


value {number} Set the volume, ranging from 0.0 (silence) through 1.0 (full volume).


Return the stereo pan position of the audio player (not the system-wide pan), ranging from -1.0 (full left) through 1.0 (full right). The default value is 0.0 (center).


value {number} Set the pan, ranging from -1.0 (full left) through 1.0 (full right).


Return the loop count of the audio player. The default is 0 which means to play the sound once. A positive number specifies the number of times to return to the start and play again. A negative number indicates an indefinite loop.


value {number} Set the loop count. 0 means to play the sound once. A positive number specifies the number of times to return to the start and play again (iOS only). A negative number indicates an indefinite loop (iOS and Android).


callback {function(seconds, isPlaying)} Callback will receive the current playback position in seconds and whether the sound is being played.


value {number} Seek to a particular playback point in seconds.

setCategory(value) (iOS only)

value {string} Sets AVAudioSession category, which allows playing sound in background, stop sound playback when phone is locked, etc. Parameter options: "Ambient", "SoloAmbient", "Playback", "Record", "PlayAndRecord", "AudioProcessing", "MultiRoute".

More info about each category can be found in

To play sound in the background, make sure to add the following to the Info.plist file.



enabled {boolean} Whether to enable playback in silence mode (iOS only).


  • To minimize playback delay, you may want to preload a sound file without calling play() (e.g. var s = new Sound(...);) during app initialization. This also helps avoid a race condition where play() may be called before loading of the sound is complete, which results in no sound but no error because loading is still being processed.
  • You can play multiple sound files at the same time. Under the hood, this module uses AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient to mix sounds on iOS.
  • You may reuse a Sound instance for multiple playbacks.
  • On iOS, the module wraps AVAudioPlayer which supports aac, aiff, mp3, wav etc. The full list of supported formats can be found at
  • On Android, the module wraps The full list of supported formats can be found at
  • You may chain non-getter calls, for example, sound.setVolume(.5).setPan(.5).play().


React Native module for playing sound clips







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