Follow the steps below to set up and run the backend for the Coffee Shop Network project.
- Node.js: Ensure you have Node.js version 18.18 or higher installed.
- Docker: Make sure Docker is installed and running on your system.
- Clone the Repository
Clone the project repository using the following command:
git clone [email protected]:murodjon001/Coffe-Shop.git
2 Install Dependencies Navigate to the project directory and install the required dependencies:
npm install
3 Set Up Environment Variables Create a .env file in the root directory and copy the content from .env.example:
cp .env.example .env
4 Start Docker Services Start the required services using Docker Compose:
docker compose up -d
5 Apply Database Migrations Deploy the database migrations:
npx prisma migrate deploy
6 Create a Super User Seed the database to create a super user:
npx prisma db seed
7 Verify Super User Creation Use Prisma Studio to verify that the super user has been created:
npx prisma studio
8 Run the Application Start the application in development mode:
npm run start:dev
The project documentation is available on Postman: