Pyodide and Coldbrew are two packages of CPython+Emscripten that enables you to run CPython in the browser on WebAssembly.
The good thing about that is that unlike Brython (which is a great project in its own right) you're not dealing with an implementation that only looks like Python.
The bad thing is that there's an expensive load time. This repo provides some utilities for benchmarking the load time of various Python WASM packages.
Once you have this repo, run:
$ yarn
$ ./
./ will install coldbrew and pyodide locally so we aren't benchmark CDN response times.
You can run a load tests a number of times:
$ ./
This will dump a CSV to output.
$ ./ | tee results.csv
$ sqlite3 bench.db
sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .import results.csv results
sqlite> ^D
Then you can run queries:
$ sqlite3 bench.db 'SELECT name, AVG(time) FROM results GROUP BY name ORDER BY AVG(time) ASC;'