MTZTableViewManager is a powerful framework that allows you to create table views in a descriptive way, by specifying rows and sections without having to bother with indexes. It also provides a set of tools for creating forms and handling their input, applying masks, performing validations and converting to and from complex objects.
- Make sure to pick the right tag (
at the moment). - Drop the file
inside your Xcode project. - Make sure your submodules are up-to-date.
- Drag the
) to your targetLinked Frameworks and Libraries
You can also declare the following on your Podfile
pod 'MTZTableViewManager', '~> 1.2.0'
Note that this will also add MTZExpirationDatePicker
as a pod dependency.
Getting started is fairly simple. Just declare a strongly-held MTZTableManager
@property (nonatomic) MTZTableManager *tableManager;
Then declare your rows, sections and finally the data. Using a custom UITableViewCell
subclass is recommended.
MTZTableRow *row = [[MTZTableRow alloc] initWithClass:[MyCustomCell class]
action:^(NSIndexPath * _Nonnull indexPath, id<MTZModel> model) {
MTZTableSection *section = [[MTZTableSection alloc] initWithTableRows:@[row]];
MTZTableData *data = [[MTZTableData alloc] initWithTableSections:@[section]];
self.tableManager = [[MTZTableManager alloc] initWithTableView:self.tableView tableData:data];
And you're good to go! Please note you cannot be the tableView
s delegate or data source while using MTZTableManager
- You can also provide a regular and/or expanded height to a row, and it will toggle between them upon selection.
- You can also hide rows or sections dinamically, just set the
property. - You can instantiate cells using
s as well. Likewise you can provide custom headers and footers classes for every section.
To declare an object as a possible model, just conform it to MTZModel
@interface MyCustomCellModel: NSObject <MTZModel>
@property (nonatomic) NSString *text;
Cells can then be configured to display information. Simply conform the cell you want to MTZModelDisplaying
and implement the required method:
@interface MyCustomCell: UITableViewCell <MTZModelDisplaying>
@implementation MyCustomCell
- (void)configureWithModel:(id<MTZModel>)model {
self.textLabel.text = ((MyCustomCellModel *)model).text;
- Sections can also have models, and they're provided to custom headers/footers, if any, as long as their classes also conform to
Form objects are objects that can be manipulated by a form generated by MTZTableViewManager
. Ideally, you want to make all of its properties read-only to avoid external mutation, since the form elements will modify the values directly via KVO
. If you're using Swift. Don't forget the dynamic
keyword for that! Make sure the object conforms to MTZFormObject
@interface MyCustomFormObject: NSObject <MTZFormObject>
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *title;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDate *date;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) MyCustomUser *user;
For a cell to be compatible with a form, it needs to conform with MTZFormEditing
and implement the required method:
@interface MyCustomTextFieldCell: UITableViewCell <MTZFormEditing>
@property (nonatomic) UITextField *textField;
@implementation MyCustomTextFieldCell
// ...
- (UIControl<MTZFormField> *)fieldForFormObject {
return self.textField;
- Note that the form fields must conform to
. The framework already provides a default implementation forUITextField
Form fields automatically provide you with inputAccessoryView
for jumping between other fields within the same section. To localise the buttons on the framework-provided input accessory view, simply add the following entries to your Localizable.strings
, replacing the translations to whatever fits your needs:
"mtz_prev" = "Prev";
"mtz_next" = "Next";
"mtz_done" = "Done";
- If the keyboard provides a return button, the "Done" button is ommitted.
Dates are a special topic. Due to that, if you want to interact with a NSDate
key path, use MTZTableFormDateRow
MTZTableFormDateRow *dateRow = [[MTZTableFormDateRow alloc] initWithClass:[MyCustomTextFieldCell class]
keyPath:CLASSKEY(MyCustomFormObject, date)];
dateRow.minimumDate = [NSDate date];
dateRow.maximumDate = [[NSDate date] dateByAddingTimeInterval:60*60*24*15];
dateRow.datePickerMode = MTZDatePickerModeDateAndTime;
must also useUITextField
as a form field, as we replace theinputView
with the adequate picker.- You can also use
as a picker mode, and it will use theMTZExpirationDatePicker
If you want to provide a set of options, do so by conforming the type of object you want to provide as an option to MTZFormOption
@interface MyCustomUser: NSObject <MTZFormOption>
@property (nonatomic) NSInteger ID;
@property (nonatomic) NSString *email;
- (instancetype)initWithID:(NSInteger)ID email:(NSString *)email;
@implementation MyCustomUser
// ...
- (NSString *)optionDescription {
- (BOOL)isEqual:(MyCustomUser *)object {
return self.ID == object.ID;
Then set the availableOptions
property on the MTZTableFormOptionRow
NSArray *allUsers = @[[[MyCustomUser alloc] initWithID:1 email:@"[email protected]"],
[[MyCustomUser alloc] initWithID:2 email:@"[email protected]"],
[[MyCustomUser alloc] initWithID:3 email:@"[email protected]"]];
MTZTableFormOptionRow *userRow = [[MTZTableFormOptionRow alloc] initWithClass:[MyCustomTextFieldCell class]
keyPath:CLASSKEY(MyCustomFormObject, user)];
userRow.availableOptions = allUsers;
- If you set available options, you must also use
as a form field, as we replace theinputView
with the adequate picker. - Make sure you provide a valid implementation of
to yourMTZFormOption
Maskers allow UITextFields
to have their input:
- limited to an specific amount of characters;
- limited to an specific set of characters;
- appended with placeholders in specific indexes (i.e.: Dots every 4 digits: 1234.1234.1234.1234).
Simply subclass MTZTextFieldMasker
and implement the desired methods:
@interface MyMasker : MTZTextFieldMasker
// .m
@implementation MyMasker
- (NSCharacterSet *)allowedCharacterSet {
return [NSCharacterSet decimalDigitCharacterSet]; // only digits
- (NSInteger)maximumInputLength {
return 21; // i.e.: card number + spaces
- (NSString *)stringToAppendAtIndex:(NSInteger)index
ofString:(NSString *)currentString {
if (index % 4 == 0) {
return @" "; // add space every 4 digits.
return nil;
Then set the masker
property to a MTZTableFormRow
that uses an UITextField
MTZTableFormRow *cardNumberRow = [[MTZTableFormRow alloc] initWithNib:myTextFieldCellNib
keyPath:CLASSKEY(MyFormObjectClass, cardNumber)];
cardNumberRow.masker = [MyMasker new];
- All masker methods are optional.
- As mentioned, this requires an
to work properly.
is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.