A library to generate a dependency map for elisp projects.
Generates a GraphViz-compatible DOT file representation of all the top-level definitions in an elisp project, and represents the connections between them.
The idea is that your code should be structured in an untangled way (i.e. split into standalone libraries contained within specific files), and the graphviz diagram generated by this package should help you know whether you need to refactor your project.
Install graphviz
on your machine, then in your email config set:
(use-package elisp-depmap
:bind (("C-c M-d" . elisp-depmap-graphviz-digraph)
("C-c M-g" . elisp-depmap-graphviz)
("C-c M-s" . elisp-depmap-makesummarytable))
:config ((elisp-depmap-exec-file "~/graphviz2.dot")))
Within an elisp package directory, run either
Generates an undirected graph. Useful if the project contains only one file. Each node is a function coloured by file, and shaped by variable or function type (e.g.
). Each edge indicates that a function is linked to another. Border width indicates the size of the function.elisp-depmap-graphviz-digraph
Generates a directed graph with clustered subgraphs (as in the above image). Useful if the project contains multiple files, where functions from the same file are contained under the same subgraph, and an arrow from a source node/function to a target node/function indicates that the source node was called by the target.
Generates a summary table of functions, variables and files - including the number of lines of a function and number of references.
Variable (prefix: elisp-depmap ) | Type | Default | Group | Info |
parse-hashtablesize | integer | 50 | Parsing | Size of hashtable storing variables/functions. Increase for large projects with many definitions. |
parse-function-shapes | alist | (see defn.) | Parsing | Alist of variable and function types and Graphviz Shapes. Supports elisp types and common-lisp types. Easily extendable. |
secondhelp-regexreferences | string | (see defn.) | Parsing | Regular expression to catch references to top-level definitions. |
graph-subclustergroups | plist | (see defn.) | Styling | Classes of sub-subgraph clusters. A plist of :keyword '([types]) pairs, where the sub-subgraph is given the name of the keyword, and clusters group all declared types . |
graph-indentwidth | integer | 4 | Styling | Size of each indentation in spaces inside the DOT file. Does not affect resultant image. |
graph-stripprojectname | boolean | t | Styling | Strip away the file name from the prefix of the function. |
graph-filecolorsymbols | alist | (see defn.) | Styling | A list of (color . "prefix") pairs, where each entry will be used to color a file, and replace the file prefix with “prefix” if graph-stripprojectname is enabled. |
graph-decorate | plist | (see defn.) | Styling | Keywords can be :edge , :node , :graph , :subgraph and :subsubgraph . Values are alists specifying Graphviz Attributes. |
graph-linemod | integer | 10 | Styling | Line scaling modifier. Higher reduces the border width. |
exec-file | string | ~/graphviz2.dot | Command | Location of DOT file, Org (summary table) file, and Graphviz file. |
exec-outext | string | png | Command | Output Graphviz file type. |
exec-commandargs | string | (empty) | Command | Extra command line arguments for running DOT. |