URL-Shortener Flask App
To get set up on the project:
- Set up virtualenv
- run "virtualenv venv"
- to activate run "source venv/bin/activate"
- to deactivate run "deactivate"
- Use pip to install dependencies (in the virtualenv)
- run "pip install -r pip.req". Try skipping next two commands.
- Run "python run.py"
Database stuff:
Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev python-dev Fedora: yum install python-migrate
Run the following commands:
- "sudo mysql"
- "create database url;"
- "create user 'url'@'localhost' identified by 'url';"
- "grant all privileges on url.* to 'url'@'localhost';"
- "flush privileges;" Quit out of mysql with "quit". Then run:
- "./migrate.py db init"
- "./migrate.py db migrate"
- "./migrate.py db upgrade"
To check the database subsequently, run "mysql -uurl -purl" To change database structure, edit url/models.py, then run migrate and upgrade again. If you happen to remove the migrations folder, then run init, migrate, then upgrade.