Photon does not natively allow additive scene loading. This is unfortunate, since this is very convenient. A package that allows this is currently under open source development. Instructions for getting the package are below.
To enable this package to work, you first need to have either the free PUN 2 asset, or the paid PUN 2+ asset installed from the Unity Asset Store.
If you're new to Photon: you can find an excellent tutorial on the PhotonEngine website.
The PUN Additive Scene Loading package can be obtained through this git repo.
If you just want to use the package as is:
- Go to the Package Manager in Unity,
- Select the + icon,
- Choose: "Add package from git URL",
- and put '.git' at the end of the URL. (or paste: in the popup)
Since this package is open source, we welcome any improvements to the project. If you want to do this, you can best create a fork to your own git page, and add that repo as a git Submodule into your main project. From here, you can commit changes, and file a Pull request once you're satisfied with your improvements.