Snake game implemented in C using the raylib library, with vim motions by default for movement.
- Basic Title Screen
- Score tracking to keep track of the player's progress
- Randomized food spawning
- Snake grows longer when it eats food
- Game over condition when the snake collides with the boundaries or itself
- Options menu
- Configurable controls at run-time [Options menu]
- Configurable mode (slow - normal - fast - blazingly fast)
Before you start, make sure you have the required dependencies for raylib installed. Refer to the official raylib - build and installation guide for instructions on setting up the necessary environment.
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd cnake/
zig build
This game was developed using raylib, a simple and easy-to-use game development library. raylib provides a rich set of functionality and is well-suited for creating 2D games and interactive applications.