Embedded program that collects data from multiple 6+3 axis sensors and sends them over to a local server via Bluetooth LE for ML inference. Designed to be deployed and synchronized on multiple MCUs.
This repository is part of our Capstone project at METU NCC: Multi Sensor Activity Detection Based Health Monitoring System
The sensors are placed on various locations on the body (arms, wrists, knee, etc.), replicating a subset of the setup used in the OPPORTUNITY dataset for Human Activity Recognition:
Each group of closely placed sensors is connected on an I2C bus to an MCU that collects the data, filters it, serializes it, and sends it over Bluetooth LE to a separate on-body device.
The on-body device synchronizes the packets from the MCU nodes, and sends the aggregated data to a Python server.
The Python server performs inference on the data using a Random Forest ML model for activity recognition (trained using this same setup).
The results of the inference are displayed on an Android app connected to the same local WiFi network as the server.
Compatibility with different MCU architectures using the PlatformIO ecosystem (we're using Xtensa and ARM devices together).
Stabilized sensor output using a hardware (built-in) low-pass filter and a software Kalman filter.
Efficient Bluetooth LE operation that uses advertising for connecting and notifications for transmitting the data periodically.
Compact serialized packets using MessagePack to fit the MTU size for Bluetooth LE.
Reliable recovery implementation that detects any disconnections and reinitializes the sensors/connection.
- 9x MPU-6050 6-axis accelerometer + gyroscope
- 4x QMC5883L 3-axis magnetometer
- 2x ESP32 MCU with two I2C controllers and Bluetooth LE
- e.g. ESP32-DevKitC V4
- 2x nRF52840 MCU with one I2C controller and Bluetooth LE
- Linux device with Bluetooth LE (bluez) to run the Python server
- e.g. Raspberry Pi 5
- Project demo
- Poster and Hardware setup