This project is part of semestral project for course PA165 (Java EE) taught at Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University which is part of master degree studies for computer science students. Please see our Wiki pages for more information.
As we extended our repository interfaces ("daos") by CrudRepository
implementation of these interfaces is up to Spring Framework. Thus we are not implementing the unit tests for those as one does not write unit tests for others implementation. Instead we sufficiently covered by unit testing our entity classes.
curl -i -X POST -d [email protected] -d password=manager -c cook.txt http://localhost:8080/pa165/login
You need to be logged in in order to access the REST API.
curl -b cook.txt http://localhost:8080/pa165/rest/job
Output of this script might be really long.
curl -X PUT -b cook.txt http://localhost:8080/pa165/rest/job/update-status/1/DONE
curl -X PUT -b cook.txt http://localhost:8080/pa165/rest/job/update-evaluation/1/80
You can observe all these changes in your browser, just don't forget to reload the page.