C# ASP.NET core 2.1 (MVC ) , 3-tier Architechture, EF Code First
- Admin Creates Users & assign Roles
- User get notified by email for credentials
- User can creates own categories
- User can upload own documents
- User can Search & Downloads
step 1: $ git clone https://github.com/nayeemazad/DMS.git
step 2.1: go to directory DMS/DMS.WebUI/wwwroot
step 2.2: look for the file named as "UNZIP_ME.zip" and unzip it at DMS/DMS.WebUI/wwwroot
step 3.1: go to directory DMS/DMS.Service/
Step 3.2: find SendMail() function at UserService.cs
step 3.3: Replace your e-Mail Address and email password for NetworkCredential