Devchallenges is a community challenge for anyone who wants to enhance software development skills by building real-life projects and solving practical tasks.
Devchallenges has total 24 challenges/projects of various difficulty levels. Projects are divided in 3 paths - responsive, front-end and full-stack. Each project has detailed user stories along with UI design.
You can view my devchallanges portfolio.
To learn new stuff, improve my skills and build portfolio of cool projects.
Solving this challenge is a great learning experience for me. Now I feel myself more confident as a software developer. Some of the key stuffs that I have learned are:
- CSS layout techniques: Flex-Box & Grid-Box
- CSS media query
- Block-Element-Modifier (BEM) principal
- Angular router reuse strategy
- CORS proxy with angular http interceptor
- Responsive web developer path
- Front-end developer path
- Full-stack developer path
- Image Uploader
- My Unsplash
- CatWiki
- Authentication App
- Shoppingify
- Chat Group
- Tweeter - Twitter Clone
- Thullo - Trello Clone
Contributions are what make open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated. Some of the ways in which you can contribute:
- Giving feedback
- Suggesting enhancements
- Reporting bugs
Send me an email at [email protected] or connect with me on Linkedin Mohit Khandelwal.