Tools for advanced processing of LiCSAR data (starting from geotiffs). Primarily for unwrapping interferograms (integrated to LiCSBAS).
You may install this set of tools e.g. using pip by:
pip install git+
Then, to test it, try e.g.:
from licsar_extra import lics_unwrap
Currently the primary tool of the 'licsar_extra' library, improving the phase unwrapping, as was (partly) described in IGARSS 2022 and SARWatch 2023. As additional prerequisite, you must install SNAPHU.
Then, having at least geotiffs of the wrapped interferogram and coherence, you can unwrap e.g. using:
phatif = '20xxxxxx_20xxxxxx.unfiltered_pha.geo.tif'
cohtif = '20xxxxxx_20xxxxxx.coh.geo.tif'
outunw = '20xxxxxx_20xxxxxx.unw.geo.tif'
unwcube = lics_unwrap.process_ifg_pair(phatif, cohtif,
ml = 1, fillby = 'nearest', thres = 0.35,
lowpass = False, goldstein = True, specmag = True,
outtif = outunw, cascade = False) # try cascade True/False, it has strong effect