Components for fast RL.
- Fast base env
- Vectorization
- Fast training loop
It should also be easy to create, maintain and understand.
This repo is a test-project used to look at some parts of the RL stack to try to find components that help to achieve the points above.
The test environment is TicTacToe which I thought would be easy, but the fact that it is a sequential MARL env makes it a bit more challenging.
The env is simplified to a Single Agent env where the player is always player 1 and the opponent is a random policy.
I have also made a "PVP" version where there are two agents and it truly is a sequenntial MA-env.
- Numpy
- Numpy naive env batching
- Numba
- Cython
- Cupy
- Jax (Craftax)
- Mojo
- Julia
- Rust
- CleanRL
- LeanRL
- PureJAXrl
- PufferEnv
- Pytorch RL
- Stablebaselines 3 (meh)
- Ray Rllib (meh)
- Flux
- Burn
- Candle
- tch-rs
- Ease of compatibility
- SPS with random policy
- Training speed
- ...
For UV cython compilation:
uv run python build_ext --inplace
Then you need to move the generated files into the folders for correct import.
For testing
uv run pytest
For python bindings rust
cd rust/python_bindings | uv run maturin develop