Utilities for Apache Falcon
Falconer - dynamically generate Falcon entities via entity prototypes
- Falconer Maven plugin - hook your entity generation into a Maven build
- Falconer Maven archetype - creates a Falcon-ready Maven project, complete with an email-cleansing demo application
feedbuilder - build feeds dynamically
- modify 'feedlist' in 'replace.sh' to include values for each specific feed. Defaults are set in the default_load function
- exec replace.sh, change env vars accordingly for each feed you wish to create
jms-client - subscribe to a JMS topic and handle messages
- args - <dest name> <topic name>
- java -cp .:jms-client-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar com.michaelmiklavcic.JMSClient tcp://sandbox.hortonworks.com:61616 FALCON.ENTITY.TOPIC
- To see messages to stdout, use the defaults. Otherwise create your own handler by overriding com.michaelmiklavcic.Handler
- Modify com.michaelmiklavcic.FalconMessage to extract other parameters from the JMS messages
- Subscribe to catch-all Falcon topic - FALCON.ENTITY.TOPIC, or feed/process-specific, e.g. FALCON.rawEmailIngestProcess