The application provides the ability to search for cooking recipes by name, category, ingredients, making a shopping list (per selected recipes, as well as by products entered by the user), preparation of list of currently available products, add recipes, send a feedback.
- We have both registration and authentication via Google or Facebook;
- We have two types of access: • Administrator – has access to every single unit, admin must approve or reject recipes, which are entered/added by the other users, in order to guarantee their credibility; • User – has his own profile in the system, which can edit, list of available products as well as one with products, which he must purchase/buy. Can bookmark recipes he liked, as well as to see which are the recipes he last looked at. May send a request to the administrator - to give feedback about application or to connect with him through his social networks. Every user can also add recipes to be useful to other users.
Authorized access is required for the following sections: o My recipes; o Favorite recipes; o Shopping list; o Available products; o Add a recipe; o Recently viewed.
For the software implementation of the Android mobile application I use:
Programming language
- Java; -
Scripting language
- XML, PHP; -
Structured language
- SQL; -
Development environment
- Android Studio; -
Operating system
- Android; -
- MVC; -
- SQLite, MySQL; -
- Room;
The developed mobile application can be used by anyone who wants to get ideas for cooking, to help other users with their own, to prepare a shopping list or simply to check what he can cook according to the products he has.