This is the code for Syntacticus, an end-user frontend for the PROIEL Treebank, ISWOC Treebank and TOROT Treebank, which are treebanks of ancient Indo-European languages.
Syntacticus is a single-page application and relies on a backend to serve the actual language data.
# install dependencies
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
yarn serve
# build for production with minification
yarn build
Syntactius uses Vue.js, Bulma and a bit of D3.js.
The front-page miniatures are from the manuscript Burney 272 (British Museum, Public Domain).
The two large manuscript details are from the Codex Argenteus (Wikimedia, Public Domain) and from Codex Vaticanus Latinus 3868 (Wikimedia, Public Domain).
The flat view of dependency graphs is derived from work by