The SimpleMail is small library writen for Qt 5 (C++11) that allows applications to send complex emails (plain text, html, attachments, inline files, etc.) using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
- Blocking and Asyncronous modes
- SMTP pipelining
- TCP and SSL connections to SMTP servers (STARTTLS included)
- SMTP authentication (PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAM-MD5 methods)
- sending MIME emails (to multiple recipients)
- plain text and HTML (with inline files) content in emails
- nested mime emails (mixed/alternative, mixed/related)
- multiple attachments and inline files (used in HTML)
- different character sets (ascii, utf-8, etc) and encoding methods (7bit, 8bit, base64)
- multiple types of recipients (to, cc, bcc)
- error handling (including RESET command)
- output compilant with RFC2045
Async Exaplame:
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <SimpleMail/SimpleMail>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
// First we need to create an Server object
auto server = new SimpleMail::Server;
// We will use the Gmail's smtp server (, port 465, ssl)
// We need to set the username (your email address) and the password for smtp authentification.
server->setUsername("[email protected]");
// Now we create a MimeMessage object. This will be the email.
SimpleMail::MimeMessage message;
message.setSender(SimpleMail::EmailAddress("[email protected]", "Your Name"));
message.addTo(SimpleMail::EmailAddress("Recipient's Name <[email protected]>"));
message.setSubject("Testing Subject");
// First we create a MimeText object.
// This must be created with new otherwise it will be deleted once we leave the scope.
auto text = new MimeText;
// Now add some text to the email.
text->setText("Hi,\nThis is a simple email message.\n");
// Now add it to the mail
// Now we can send the mail
SimpleMail::ServerReply *reply = server->sendMail(message);
QObject::connect(reply, &SimpleMail::ServerReply::finished, [reply] {
qDebug() << "ServerReply finished" << reply->error() << reply->responseText();
reply->deleteLater();// Don't forget to delete it
Blocking example:
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <SimpleMail/SimpleMail>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
// First we need to create an Sender object
// We will use the Gmail's smtp server (, port 465, ssl)
SimpleMail::Sender sender("", 465, SimpleMail::Sender::SslConnection);
// We need to set the username (your email address) and the password
// for smtp authentification.
sender.setUser("[email protected]");
// Now we create a MimeMessage object. This will be the email.
SimpleMail::MimeMessage message;
message.setSender(SimpleMail::EmailAddress("[email protected]", "Your Name"));
message.addTo(SimpleMail::EmailAddress("Recipient's Name <[email protected]>"));
message.setSubject("Testing Subject");
// First we create a MimeText object.
SimpleMail::MimeText text;
// Now add some text to the email.
text.setText("Hi,\nThis is a simple email message.\n");
// Now add it to the mail
// Now we can send the mail
sender.sendMail(message); // Blocks untill mail is delivered or errored
This project (all files including the demos/examples) is licensed under the GNU LGPL, version 2.1+.