Overview • Installation • Configuration • Schemas • Harvesters • DCAT Profiles • Running the Tests • Development
This CKAN extension provides functions and templates specifically designed to extend ckanext-scheming
and ckanext-dcat
and includes RDF profiles and Harvest enhancements to adapt CKAN Schema to multiple metadata profiles as: GeoDCAT-AP or DCAT-AP.
This project requires mjanez/ckanext-dcat (for newer releases) or ckan/ckanext-dcat (older), along with ckan/ckanext-scheming and ckan/ckanext-spatial to work properly.
- If you want to use custom schemas with multilingual support, you need to use
. A fixed version is available at mjanez/ckanext-fluent. - If you want to use custom harvesters, you need to use
, an improved, more private version is avalaibe at mjanez/ckanext-harvest.
It is recommended to use with: ckan-docker
deployment or only use ckan-pycsw
to deploy a CSW Catalog.
- Custom schemas for
in the plugin like CKAN GeoDCAT-AP custom schemas ckanext-dcat
profiles for RDF serialization according to profiles such as DCAT, DCAT-AP, GeoDCAT-AP and in the Spanish context, NTI-RISP.- Improve metadata management forms to include tabs that make it easier to search metadata categories and simplify metadata editing.
- Improve the search functionality in CKAN for custom schemas. It uses the fields defined in a scheming file to provide a set of tools to use these fields for scheming, and a way to include icons in their labels when displaying them. More info:
- Add improved harvesters for custom metadata schemas integrated with
in CKAN usingmjanez/ckan-ogc
. - Add an expanded Harvester for CSW servers using XLST mapping (ISO19139 to DCAT-AP) to transform the metadata to RDF (DCAT-AP/GeoDCAT-AP 3) and import it into CKAN.
- Add Metadata downloads for Linked Open Data formats (
) and Geospatial Metadata (ISO 19139, Dublin Core, etc. withmjanez/ckan-pycsw
) - Add custom i18n translations to
in schemas, e.g: GeoDCAT-AP (ES).1 - Add a set of useful helpers and templates to be used with Metadata Schemas.
- Update the base theme of CKAN to use with the enhancements of this extension, now using Tabs instead of older
. - Modern UI inspired on
. - LOD/OGC Endpoints based on avalaible profiles (DCAT) and CSW capabilities with
. - Publisher (organization
) andeditor
logic to control the visibility of records in a regular metadata monitoring workflow. - CSW Harvester to remote CSW catalogues using the INSPIRE ISO 19139 metadata profile.
Compatibility with core CKAN versions:
CKAN version | Compatible? |
2.8 | ❌ No (>= Python 3) |
2.9 | ✅ Yes (<= v3.2.3 ) |
2.10 | ✅ Yes (>= v4.0.0 ) |
This plugin needs the following plugins to work properly:
# Install latest stable release of:
## ckan/ckanext-scheming: https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-scheming/tags (e.g. release-3.0.0)
pip install -e git+https://github.com/ckan/[email protected]#egg=ckanext-scheming
## mjanez/ckanext-dcat: https://github.com/mjanez/ckanext-dcat/tags (e.g. 1.8.0)
pip install -e git+https://github.com/mjanez/[email protected]#egg=ckanext-dcat
pip install -r https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mjanez/ckanext-dcat/master/requirements.txt
## ckan/ckanext-spatial: https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-spatial/tags (e.g. v2.1.1)
pip install -e git++https://github.com/ckan/[email protected]/#egg=ckanext-spatial#egg=ckanext-spatial
pip install -r https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ckan/ckanext-spatial/v2.1.1/requirements.txt
## ckan/ckanext-harvest: https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-harvest/tags (e.g. v1.5.6)
pip install -e git++https://github.com/ckan/[email protected]#egg=ckanext-spatial
pip install -r https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ckan/ckanext-harvest/v1.5.6/requirements.txt
## ckan/ckanext-fluent: https://github.com/mjanez/ckanext-fluen/tags (e.g. v1.0.1)
pip install -e git++https://github.com/mjanez/[email protected]#egg=ckanext-fluent
cd $CKAN_VENV/src/
# Install the scheming_dataset plugin
pip install -e "git+https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-schemingdcat.git#egg=ckanext-schemingdcat"
Set the plugin:
# Add the plugin to the list of plugins
ckan.plugins = ... spatial_metadata ... dcat ... schemingdcat
When using schemingdcat
should not appear in the list of plugins loaded in CKAN. But dcat
and spatial
Set the schemas you want to use with configuration options:
# Each of the plugins is optional depending on your use
ckan.plugins = schemingdcat_datasets schemingdcat_groups schemingdcat_organizations
To use CSW Endpoint in ckanext-schemingdcat
schemingdcat.geometadata_base_uri = http://localhost:81/csw
ckanext.dcat.base_uri = http://localhost:81/catalog
To use custom schemas in ckanext-scheming
# module-path:file to schemas being used
scheming.dataset_schemas = ckanext.schemingdcat:schemas/geodcat_ap/es_geodcat_ap_full.yaml
scheming.group_schemas = ckanext.schemingdcat:schemas/geodcat_ap/es_geodcat_ap_group.json
scheming.organization_schemas = ckanext.schemingdcat:schemas/geodcat_ap/es_geodcat_ap_org.json
# URLs may also be used, e.g:
# scheming.dataset_schemas = http://example.com/spatialx_schema.yaml
# Preset files may be included as well. The default preset setting is:
scheming.presets = ckanext.schemingdcat:schemas/default_presets.json
# The is_fallback setting may be changed as well. Defaults to false:
scheming.dataset_fallback = false
- If you want to use custom harvesters, you need to use
, an improved, more private version is avalaibe at mjanez/ckanext-harvest.
Next add the custom Harvesters to the list of plugins as you need:
ckan.plugins = ... spatial_metadata ... dcat ... schemingdcat ... harvest ... schemingdcat_ckan_harvester schemingdcat_csw_harvester ...
You can update the endpoints.yaml
file to add your custom OGC/LOD endpoints, only has 2 types of endpoints: lod
and ogc
, and the profile
avalaible in ckanext-dcat
Preferably between 4 and 8.
LOD endpoint: A Linked Open Data endpoint is a DCAT endpoint that provides access to RDF data. More information about the catalogue endpoint, how to use the endpoint, (e.g.
https://{ckan-instance-host}/catalog.{format}?[page={page}]&[modified_since={date}]&[profiles={profile1},{profile2}]&[q={query}]&[fq={filter query}]
, and more atckanext-dcat
- name: eu_dcat_ap_2_rdf display_name: RDF DCAT-AP type: lod format: rdf image_display_url: /images/icons/endpoints/eu_dcat_ap_2.svg description: RDF DCAT-AP Endpoint for european data portals. profile: eu_dcat_ap_2 profile_label: DCAT-AP version: null
OGC Endpoint: An OGC CSW endpoint provides a standards-based interface to discover, browse, and query metadata about spatial datasets and data services. More info about the endpoint at OGC: Catalogue Servicestandard/cat/
- name: csw_inspire display_name: CSW INSPIRE 2.0.2 type: ogc format: xml image_display_url: /images/icons/endpoints/csw_inspire.svg description: OGC-INSPIRE Endpoint for spatial metadata. profile: es_dcat profile_label: INSPIRE version: 2.0.2
To configure facets, there are no mandatory sets in the config file for this extension. The following sets can be used:
schemingdcat.facet_list: [list of fields] # List of fields in scheming file to use to faceting. Use ckan defaults if not provided.
schemingdcat.default_facet_operator: [AND|OR] # OR if not defined
schemingdcat.icons_dir: (dir) # images/icons if not defined
As an example for facet list, we could suggest:
schemingdcat.facet_list = "theme groups theme_es dcat_type owner_org res_format publisher_name publisher_type frequency tags tag_uri conforms_to spatial_uri"
The same custom fields for faceting can be used when browsing organizations and groups data:
schemingdcat.organization_custom_facets = true
schemingdcat.group_custom_facets = true
This two last settings are not mandatory. You can omit one or both (or set them to false
), and the default fields for faceting will be used instead.
Clear the index in solr:
ckan -c [route to your .ini ckan config file] search-index clear
Modify the schema file on Solr (schema or managed schema) to add the multivalued fields added in the scheming extension used for faceting. You can add any field defined in the schema file used in the ckanext-scheming extension that you want to use for faceting. You must define each field with these parameters:
type: string
- to avoid split the text in tokens, each individually "faceted".uninvertible: false
- as recomended by solr´s documentationdocValues: true
- to ease recovering faceted resourcesindexed: true
- to let ckan recover resources under this facetstored: true
- to let the value to be recovered by queriesmultiValued
: well... it depends on if it is a multivalued field (several values for one resource) or a regular field (just one value). Use "true" or "false" respectively.
extension are ready to use these multivalued fields. You have to add this configuration fragment to solr schema in order to use them:<!-- Extra fields --> <field name="tag_uri" type="string" uninvertible="false" docValues="true" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/> <field name="conforms_to" type="string" uninvertible="false" docValues="true" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/> <field name="lineage_source" type="string" uninvertible="false" docValues="true" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/> <field name="lineage_process_steps" type="string" uninvertible="false" docValues="true" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/> <field name="reference" type="string" uninvertible="false" docValues="true" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/> <field name="theme" type="string" uninvertible="false" docValues="true" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/> <field name="theme_es" type="string" uninvertible="false" docValues="true" multiValued="true" indexed="true" stored="true"/> <field name="metadata_profile" type="string" uninvertible="false" docValues="true" multiValued="true" indexed="true" stored="true"/> <field name="resource_relation" type="string" uninvertible="false" docValues="true" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
[!NOTE] You can ommit any field you're not going to use for faceting, but the best policy could be to add all values at the beginning.
The extra fields depend on your schema
Be sure to restart Solr after modify the schema.
Restart CKAN.
Reindex solr index:
ckan -c [route to your .ini ckan config file] search-index rebuild-fast
Sometimes solr can issue an error while reindexing. In that case I'd try to restart solr, delete index ("search-index clear"), restart solr, rebuild index, and restart solr again.
Ckan needs to "fix" multivalued fields to be able to recover values correctly for faceting, so this step must be done in order to use faceting with multivalued fields.
Icons for each field option in the scheming file
can be set in multiple ways:
- Set a root directory path for icons for each field using the
key in the scheming file. - If
is not defined, the directory path is guessed starting from the value provided for theschemingdcat.icons_dir
parameter in the CKAN config file, adding the name of the field as an additional step to the path (public/images/icons/{field_name
). - For each option, use the
setting to provide the last steps of the icon path from the field's root path defined before. This value may be just a file name or include a path to add to the icon's root directory. - If
is not used, a directory and file name are guessed from the option's value. - Icons files are tested for existence when using
function to get them. If the file doesn't exist, the function returnsNone
. Icons can be provided by any CKAN extension in itspublic
directory. - Set a
default icon
for a field using the default_icon setting in the scheming file. You can get it usingschemingdcat_schema_get_default_icon
function, and it is your duty to decide when and where to get and use it in a template.
Update the base theme of CKAN to use with the enhancements of this extension.
Dataset - Metadata info /dataset/{sample-dataset}
Organizations /organization/{sample-org}
With this plugin, you can customize the group, organization, and dataset entities in CKAN. Adding and enabling a schema will modify the forms used to update and create each entity, indicated by the respective type
property at the root level. Such as group_type
, organization_type
, and dataset_type
. Non-default types are supported properly as is indicated throughout the examples.
Are available to use with this extension a number of custom schema, more info: schemas/README.md
Schema Enhancements: We've made several improvements to our schema to provide a better metadata and metadata group management. Here are some of the key changes:
- Form Groups: We've introduced the use of
and improveform_pages
in our schemas. This allows us to group related fields into the same form, making it easier to navigate and manage metadata. - Metadata Management Improvements: We've improved how we manage metadata in our schema. It's now easier to add, remove, and modify metadata, allowing us to keep our data more organized and accessible.
- Metadata Group Updates: We've made changes to how we handle metadata groups (
). It's now easier to group related metadata, helping us keep our data more organized and making it easier to find specific information.
For more details on these enhancements check Form Groups documentation, please refer to the schema files in ckanext/schemingdcat/schemas
with specific extensions for spatial data and GeoDCAT-AP/INSPIRE metadata profiles.
RDF to CKAN dataset mapping: GeoDCAT-AP (ES) to CKAN
on: DCAT.
RDF to CKAN dataset mapping: DCAT to CKAN
based on: DCAT-AP for the european context.
RDF to CKAN dataset mapping: DCAT-AP (EU) to CKAN
based on: GeoDCAT-AP for the european context.
RDF to CKAN dataset mapping: GeoDCAT-AP (EU) to CKAN
Form groups are a way to group related fields together in the same form. This makes it easier to navigate and manage metadata. A form group is defined with the following elements:
: A unique identifier for the form group. For example,contact
: A human-readable label for the form group. This can be provided in multiple languages. For example:label: en: Contact information es: Información de contacto
: An optional Font Awesome icon that can be used to visually represent the form group. For example,fa-address-book
Here is an example of a form group definition:
form_group_id: contact
en: Contact information
es: Información de contacto
fa_icon: fa-address-book
Fields can be added to a form group by specifying the form_group_id
in the field definition. The form_group_id
should match the form_group_id
of the form group that the field should be part of.
Here is an example of a field that is part of the general_info
form group:
field_name: owner_org
en: Organization
es: Organización
required: True
en: Entity (organisation) responsible for making the Dataset available.
es: Entidad (organización) responsable de publicar el conjunto de datos.
preset: dataset_organization
form_group_id: general_info
In this example, the owner_org
field will be part of the general_info
form group.
In production, when gather
and consumer
processes are running, the following command are used to start and stop the background processes:
ckan harvester run
: Starts any harvest jobs that have been created by putting them onto the gather queue. Also checks running jobs - if finished it changes their status to Finished.
To testing harvesters in development, you can use the following command:
ckan harvester run-test {source-id/name}
: This does all the stages of the harvest (creates job, gather, fetch, import) without involving the web UI or the queue backends. This is useful for testing a harvester without having to fire up gather/fetch_consumer processes, as is done in production.[!WARNING] After running the
command, you should stop all background processes forgather
to avoid conflicts.
The plugin includes a harvester for remote CKAN instances using the custom schemas provided by schemingdcat
and ckanext-scheming
. This harvester is a subclass of the CKAN Harvester provided by ckanext-harvest
and is designed to work with the schemingdcat
plugin to provide a more versatile and customizable harvester for CKAN instances.
To use it, you need to add the schemingdcat_ckan_harvester
plugin to your options file:
ckan.plugins = harvest schemingdcat schemingdcat_datasets ... schemingdcat_ckan_harvester
The Scheming DCAT CKAN Harvester supports the same configuration options as the CKAN Harvester, plus the following additional options:
(Optional): Mapping field names from local to remote instance, all info at: CKAN Harvester Field mapping structurefield_mapping_schema_version
(Mandatory if existsdataset_field_mapping/distribution_field_mapping
): Schema version of the field_mapping to ensure compatibility with older schemas. The default is2
(Optional): The name of the schema to use for the harvested datasets. This is theschema_name
as defined in the scheming file. The remote and local instances must have the same dataset schema. If not provided, thedataset_field_mapping/distribution_field_mapping
is needed to mapping fields.allow_harvest_datasets
(Optional): Iftrue
, the harvester will create new records even if the package type is from the harvest source. Iffalse
, the harvester will only create records that originate from the instance. Default isfalse
(Optional): [WIP]. Onlyonly_local
(Optional): [WIP]. Onlyonly_local
: By default, tags are stripped of accent characters, spaces and capital letters for display. Setting this option toFalse
will keep the original tag names. Default isTrue
And example configuration might look like this:
"api_version": 2,
"clean_tags": false,
"default_tags": [{"name": "inspire"}, {"name": "geodcatap"}],
"default_groups": ["transportation", "hb"],
"default_extras": {"encoding":"utf8", "harvest_description":"Harvesting from Sample Catalog", "harvest_url": "{harvest_source_url}/dataset/{dataset_id}"},
"organizations_filter_include": ["remote-organization"],
"read_only": true,
"remote_groups": "only_local",
"remote_orgs": "only_local",
"schema": "geodcatap",
"dataset_field_mapping": {
"title": {
"field_name": "my_title"
"title_translated": {
"languages": {
"en": {
"field_name": "my_title-en"
"es": {
"field_name": "my_title"
"private": {
"field_name": "private"
"tag_string": {
"field_name": ["theme_a", "theme_b", "theme_c"]
"theme_es": {
"field_value": "http://datos.gob.es/kos/sector-publico/sector/medio-ambiente"
"tag_uri": {
"field_name": "keyword_uri",
// "field_value" extends the original list of values retrieved from the remote file for all records.
"field_value": ["https://www.example.org/codelist/a","https://www.example.org/codelist/b", "https://www.example.org/codelist/c"]
"my_custom_field": {
// If you need to map a field in a remote dict to the "extras" dict, use the "extras_" prefix to indicate that the field is there.
"field_name": "extras_remote_custom_field"
The dataset_field_mapping
is structured as follows (multilingual version):
"field_mapping_schema_version": 2,
"<dataset_field_mapping>/<distribution_field_mapping>": {
"<schema_field_name>": {
"languages": {
"<language>": {
<"field_value": "<fixed_value>/<fixed_value_list>">,/<"field_name": "<excel_field_name>/<excel_field_name_list>">
: The name of the field in the CKAN schema.<language>
: (Optional) The language code for multilingual fields. This should be a valid ISO 639-1 language code. This is now nested under thelanguages
: (Optional) A fixed value or a list of fixed values that will be assigned to the field for all records.- Field labels: Field name:
: (Optional) The name of the field in the remote file or a list of field names.
For fields that are not multilingual, you can directly use field_name
without the languages
key. For example:
"field_mapping_schema_version": 2,
"<dataset_field_mapping>/<distribution_field_mapping>": {
"<schema_field_name>": {
<"field_value": "<fixed_value>/<fixed_value_list>">,/<"field_name": "<excel_field_name>/<excel_field_name_list>">
The field mapping can be done either at the dataset level using dataset_field_mapping
or at the resource level using distribution_field_mapping
. The structure and options are the same for both. The field_mapping_schema_version
is 2
by default, but needs to be set to avoid errors.
There are two types of fields that can be defined in the configuration:
- Regular fields: These fields have a field label to define the mapping or a fixed value for all its records.
- Properties: A field can have one of these three properties:
- Fixed value fields (
): These fields have a fixed value that is assigned to all records. This is defined using thefield_value
property. Iffield_value
is a list,field_name
could be set at the same time, and thefield_value
extends the list obtained from the remote field. - Field labels: Field name:
- Name based fields (
): These fields are defined by their name in the Excel file. This is defined using thefield_name
property, or if you need to map a field in a remote dict to theextras
dict, use theextras_
prefix to indicate that the field is there.
- Name based fields (
- Fixed value fields (
- Properties: A field can have one of these three properties:
- Multilingual Fields (
): These fields have different values for different languages. Each language is represented as a separate object within the field object (es
, ...). The language object can havefield_value
properties, just like a normal field.
Example Here are some examples of configuration files:
- Field names: With
to define the mapping based on names of attributes in the remote sheet (my_title
"api_version": 2,
"clean_tags": false,
# other properties
"field_mapping_schema_version": 2,
"dataset_field_mapping": {
"title": {
"field_name": "my_title"
"title_translated": {
"languages": {
"en": {
"field_name": "my_title-en"
"de": {
"field_value": ""
"es": {
"field_name": "my_title"
"private": {
"field_name": "private"
"theme": {
"field_name": ["theme", "theme_eu"]
"tag_custom": {
"field_name": "keywords"
"tag_string": {
"field_name": ["theme_a", "theme_b", "theme_c"]
"theme_es": {
"field_value": "http://datos.gob.es/kos/sector-publico/sector/medio-ambiente"
"tag_uri": {
"field_name": "keyword_uri",
// "field_value" extends the original list of values retrieved from the remote file for all records.
"field_value": ["https://www.example.org/codelist/a","https://www.example.org/codelist/b", "https://www.example.org/codelist/c"]
"my_custom_field": {
// If you need to map a field in a remote dict to the "extras" dict, use the "extras_" prefix to indicate that the field is there.
"field_name": "extras_remote_custom_field"
A harvester for remote CSW catalogues using the INSPIRE ISO 19139 metadata profile (CSW 2.0.2
). This harvester is a subclass of the CSW Harvester provided by ckanext-spatial
and is designed to work with the schemingdcat
plugin to provide a more versatile and customizable harvester for CSW endpoints and GeoDCAT-AP CKAN instances using XLST mapping (ISO19139 to DCAT-AP) to transform the metadata to RDF (DCAT-AP) and import it into CKAN.
To use it, you need to add the schemingdcat_csw_harvester
plugin to your options file:
ckan.plugins = harvest schemingdcat schemingdcat_datasets ... schemingdcat_csw_harvester
Remote Google Sheet/Onedrive Excel metadata upload Harvester supports the following options:
: The CQL query to be used when requesting the CSW service (default:csw:AnyText
which allows you to search for any text in the catalogue records. More info: Common Query Language (CQL))cql_search_term
: The search term to be used with the CQL query, example:emisiones atmosféricas
: UsingPropertyIsLike
query type instead defaultPropertyIsEqualTo
: Legal basis link, example:http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg/2008/1205
. (default:null
: An URL (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SEMICeu/iso-19139-to-dcat-ap/main/iso-19139-to-dcat-ap.xsl
) or a filename (iso-19139-to-dcat-ap.xsl
) fromckanext-schemingdcat/ckanext/schemingdcat/lib/iso19139/xslt/mappings
with the XSLT mapping file. (defaulturl
: Boolean flag (true
) to determine if this harvester should override existing datasets that are included in. Default isfalse
: A list of tags that will be added to all harvested datasets. Tags don't need to previously exist. This field takes a list of tag dicts which allows you to optionally specify a vocabulary. Default is[]
: A list of group IDs or names to which the harvested datasets will be added to. The groups must exist in the local instance. Default is[]
: A dictionary of key value pairs that will be added to extras of the harvested datasets. You can use the following replacement strings, that will be replaced before creating or updating the datasets:{dataset_id}
Will be stripped of trailing forward slashes (/){harvest_source_title}
And example configuration might look like this:
"cql_query": "csw:anyText",
"cql_search_term": "medio ambiente",
"cql_use_like": true,
"default_tags": [
{"name": "CODSI"},
{"name": "INSPIRE"}
"harvest_description":"Cosechado del Catalogo CSW"
A harvester for remote Google spreadsheets and Onedrive Excel files with Metadata records. This harvester is a subclass of the Scheming DCAT Base Harvester provided by ckanext-schemingdcat
to provide a more versatile and customizable harvester for Excel files that have metadata records in them.
To use it, you need to add the schemingdcat_xls_harvester
plugin to your options file:
ckan.plugins = harvest schemingdcat schemingdcat_datasets ... schemingdcat_xls_harvester
Remote Google Sheet/Onedrive Excel metadata upload Harvester supports the following options:
- Mandatory: The type of storage to use for the harvested datasets asonedrive
. Default isonedrive
- Mandatory: The name of the sheet in the Excel file that contains the dataset records.field_mapping_schema_version
: Schema version of the field_mapping to ensure compatibility with older schemas. The default is2
: Mapping field names from local to remote instance, all info at: Field mapping structurecredentials
: Thecredentials
parameter should be used to provide the authentication credentials. The credentials depends on thestorage_type
used.- For
: The credentials parameter should be a dictionary with the following keys:username
: A string representing the username.password
: A string representing the password. - For
: The credentials parameter should be a string containing the credentials inJSON
format. You can obtain the credentials by following the instructions provided in the Google Workspace documentation.
- For
: The name of the sheet in the Excel file that contains the distribution records. If not provided, the harvester will only create records for the dataset sheet.datadictionary_sheet
: The name of the sheet in the Excel file that contains the data dictionary records. If not provided, the harvester will only create records for the dataset sheet.api_version
: You can force the harvester to use either version 1 or 2 of the CKAN API. Default is2
: A list of tags that will be added to all harvested datasets. Tags don't need to previously exist. This field takes a list of tag dicts which allows you to optionally specify a vocabulary. Default is[]
: A list of group IDs or names to which the harvested datasets will be added to. The groups must exist in the local instance. Default is[]
: A dictionary of key value pairs that will be added to extras of the harvested datasets. You can use the following replacement strings, that will be replaced before creating or updating the datasets:{dataset_id}
Will be stripped of trailing forward slashes (/){harvest_source_title}
: Assign default extras even if they already exist in the remote dataset. Default isFalse
(only non existing extras are added).user
: User who will run the harvesting process. Please note that this user needs to have permission for creating packages, and if default groups were defined, the user must have permission to assign packages to these groups.read_only
: Create harvested packages in read-only mode. Only the user who performed the harvest (the one defined in the previous setting or the 'harvest' sysadmin) will be able to edit and administer the packages created from this harvesting source. Logged in users and visitors will be only able to read them.force_all
: By default, after the first harvesting, the harvester will gather only the modified packages from the remote site since the last harvesting Setting this property to true will force the harvester to gather all remote packages regardless of the modification date. Default isFalse
: By default, tags are stripped of accent characters, spaces and capital letters for display. Setting this option toFalse
will keep the original tag names. Default isTrue
: By default the harvester usesdateutil
to parse the date, but if the date format of the strings is particularly different you can use this parameter to specify the format, e.g.%d/%m/%Y
. Accepted formats are: COMMON_DATE_FORMATS
The dataset_field_mapping
is structured as follows (multilingual version):
"field_mapping_schema_version": 2,
"<dataset_field_mapping>/<distribution_field_mapping>": {
"<schema_field_name>": {
"languages": {
"<language>": {
<"field_value": "<fixed_value>/<fixed_value_list>">,/<"field_name": "<excel_field_name>/<excel_field_name_list>">/< "field_position": "<excel_column>/<excel_column_list>">
: The name of the field in the CKAN schema.<language>
: (Optional) The language code for multilingual fields. This should be a valid ISO 639-1 language code. This is now nested under thelanguages
: (Optional) A fixed value or a list of fixed values that will be assigned to the field for all records.- Field labels: Field position or field name:
: (Optional) The position of the field in the remote file, represented as a letter or a list of letters (e.g., "A", "B", "C").<field_name>/<field_name_list>
: (Optional) The name of the field in the remote file or a list of field names.
For fields that are not multilingual, you can directly use field_name
or field_position
without the languages
key. For example:
"field_mapping_schema_version": 2,
"<dataset_field_mapping>/<distribution_field_mapping>": {
"<schema_field_name>": {
<"field_value": "<fixed_value>/<fixed_value_list>">,/<"field_name": "<excel_field_name>/<excel_field_name_list>">/< "field_position": "<excel_column>/<excel_column_list>">
The field mapping can be done either at the dataset level using dataset_field_mapping
or at the resource level using distribution_field_mapping
. The structure and options are the same for both. The field_mapping_schema_version
is 2
by default, but needs to be set to avoid errors.
There are two types of fields that can be defined in the configuration:
- Regular fields: These fields have a field label/position to define the mapping or a fixed value for all its records.
- Properties: A field can have one of these three properties:
- Fixed value fields (
): These fields have a fixed value that is assigned to all records. This is defined using thefield_value
property. Iffield_value
is a list,field_name
could be set at the same time, and thefield_value
extends the list obtained from the remote field. - Field labels: Field position or field name:
- Position based fields (
): These fields are defined by their position in the Excel file. This is defined using thefield_position
property. - Name based fields (
): These fields are defined by their name in the Excel file. This is defined using thefield_name
- Position based fields (
- Fixed value fields (
- Properties: A field can have one of these three properties:
- Multilingual Fields (
): These fields have different values for different languages. Each language is represented as a separate object within the field object (es
, ...). The language object can havefield_value
properties, just like a normal field.
Example Here are some examples of configuration files:
Field positions: With
to define the mapping based on positions of attributes in the remote sheet (A
, etc.).{ "storage_type": "gspread", "dataset_sheet": "Dataset", "distribution_sheet": "Distribution", ... # other properties ... "field_mapping_schema_version": 2, "dataset_field_mapping": { "title": { "field_position": "A" }, "title_translated": { "languages": { "en": { "field_position": "AC" }, "de": { "field_value": "" }, "es": { "field_position": "A" } } }, "private": { "field_position": "F" }, "theme": { "field_position": ["G", "AA"], }, "tag_custom": { "field_position": "B" }, "tag_string": { "field_position": ["A", "B", "AC"] }, "theme_es": { "field_value": "http://datos.gob.es/kos/sector-publico/sector/medio-ambiente" }, "tag_uri": { "field_position": "Z", // "field_value" extends the original list of values retrieved from the remote file for all records. "field_value": ["https://www.example.org/codelist/a","https://www.example.org/codelist/b", "https://www.example.org/codelist/c"] }, } }
- Field names: With
to define the mapping based on names of attributes in the remote sheet (my_title
{ "storage_type": "gspread", "dataset_sheet": "Dataset", "distribution_sheet": "Distribution", ... # other properties ... "field_mapping_schema_version": 2, "dataset_field_mapping": { "title": { "field_name": "my_title" }, "title_translated": { "languages": { "en": { "field_name": "my_title-en" }, "de": { "field_value": "" }, "es": { "field_name": "my_title" } } }, "private": { "field_name": "private" }, "theme": { "field_name": ["theme", "theme_eu"] }, "tag_custom": { "field_name": "keywords" }, "tag_string": { "field_name": ["theme_a", "theme_b", "theme_c"] }, "theme_es": { "field_value": "http://datos.gob.es/kos/sector-publico/sector/medio-ambiente" }, "tag_uri": { "field_name": "keyword_uri", // "field_value" extends the original list of values retrieved from the remote file for all records. "field_value": ["https://www.example.org/codelist/a","https://www.example.org/codelist/b", "https://www.example.org/codelist/c"] }, } }
- Field names: With
All *_translated
fields need their fallback non-suffix
field as simple field, e.g:
"title": {
"field_position": "A"
"title_translated": {
"languages": {
"en": {
"field_value": ""
"es": {
"field_position": "A"
The ckan schemingdcat
command offers utilites:
ckan schemingdcat create-inspire-tags -l es
ckan schemingdcat download-rdf-eu-vocabs
The plugin includes a harvester for local databases using the custom schemas provided by schemingdcat
and ckanext-scheming
To use it, you need to add the schemingdcat_postgres_harvester
plugin to your options file:
ckan.plugins = harvest schemingdcat schemingdcat_datasets ... schemingdcat_ckan_harvester schemingdcat_postgres_harvester
The SQL Harvester supports the following options:
This guide will help you generate a schema that is compatible with our system. The schema is a JSON object that defines the mapping of fields in your database to the fields in our system.
The dataset_field_mapping
is structured as follows (multilingual version):
"field_mapping_schema_version": 1,
"<dataset_field_mapping>/<distribution_field_mapping>": {
"<schema_field_name>": {
"languages": {
"<language>": {
<"field_value": "<fixed_value>/<fixed_value_list>">,/<"field_name": "<db_field_name>/<db_field_name_list>">
: The name of the field in the CKAN schema.<language>
: (Optional) The language code for multilingual fields. Must be a valid ISO 639-1 language code. Now nested under thelanguages
: (Optional) A fixed value or a list of fixed values to be assigned to the field for all records.- Field Labels: Field position or field name:
: (Optional) The name of the field in your database. Must be in the format{schema}.{table}.{field}
For fields that are not multilingual, you can use field_name
directly without the languages
key. For example:
"field_mapping_schema_version": 2,
"<dataset_field_mapping>/<distribution_field_mapping>": {
"<schema_field_name>": {
<"field_value": "<fixed_value>/<fixed_value_list>">,/<"field_name": "<db_field_name>/<db_field_name_list>">
"alternate_identifier": {
"field_name": "fototeca.vista_ckan.cod_vuelo",
"is_p_key": true,
"index": true,
"f_key_references": [
"flight_color": {
"field_name": "fototeca.vista_ckan.color",
"f_key_references": [
"encoding": {
"field_value": "UTF-8"
"languages": {
"field_name": "fototeca.vuelos.nom_vuelo",
: The type of your database. Currently, onlypostgres
is supported.credentials
: The credentials to connect to your database. Must includeusername
, anddatabase name
: The version of the field mapping schema. Currently, only version1
is supported.dataset_field_mapping
: The mapping of fields in your database to the fields in our system. Each field must be in the format{schema}.{table}.{field}
.- Other properties of
There are two types of fields that can be defined in the configuration:
Regular Fields: These fields have a field label to define the mapping or a fixed value for all their records.
- Properties: A field can have one of these three properties:
- Fixed Value Fields (
): These fields have a fixed value that is assigned to all records. This is defined using thefield_value
property. Iffield_value
is a list,field_name
could be set at the same time, and thefield_value
extends the list obtained from the remote field. - Field Labels: Field name in the database:
Name-Based Fields (
): These fields are defined by their name in the DB table. This is defined using thefield_name
property. To facilitate data retrieval from the database, especially regarding the identification of primary keys (p_key
) and foreign keys (f_key
), the following properties can be added to thefield_mapping
schema:- Primary Key Field (
) [Optional]: This property will identify if the field is a primary key (p_key
) or not if not indicated. This will facilitate join operations and references between tables. - Table References (
) [Optional (list
)]: For fields that are foreign keys, this property would specify which schemas, tables, and fields the foreign key refers to. For example,["public.vuelo.id", "public.camara.id"]
. This is useful for automating joins between tables. - Index (
) [Optional]: A boolean property to indicate if the field should be indexed to improve query efficiency. Although not specific to primary or foreign keys, it is relevant for query optimization. By default, its value isfalse
The modified schema would allow for more efficient data retrieval and simplify the construction of the DataFrame, especially in complex scenarios with multiple tables and relationships. Here is an example of how the modified schema would look for a field that is a foreign key:
"dataset_field_mapping": { "alternate_identifier": { "field_name": "fototeca.vista_ckan.cod_vuelo", "is_p_key": true, "index": true, "f_key_references": [ "fototeca.vuelos.cod_vuelo" ] } }
- Primary Key Field (
- Fixed Value Fields (
- Properties: A field can have one of these three properties:
Multilingual Fields (
): These fields have different values for different languages. Each language is represented as a separate object within the field object (es
, ...). The language object can havefield_value
, andfield_name
properties, just like a regular field.
This plugin also contains a custom ckanext-dcat
profiles to serialize a CKAN dataset to a:
European context:
- DCAT-AP v2.1.1 (default):
- GeoDCAT-AP v2.0.0:
- GeoDCAT-AP v3.0.0:
Spanish context:
- Spain NTI-RISP v1.0.0:
- Spain DCAT-AP v2.1.1:
- Spain GeoDCAT-AP v2.0.0:
To define which profiles to use you can:
Set the
configuration option on your CKAN configuration file:ckanext.dcat.rdf.profiles = eu_dcat_ap_2 es_dcat eu_geodcat_ap_2
When initializing a parser or serializer class, pass the profiles to be used as a parameter, eg:
parser = RDFParser(profiles=['eu_dcat_ap_2', 'es_dcat', 'eu_geodcat_ap_2'])
serializer = RDFSerializer(profiles=['eu_dcat_ap_2', 'es_dcat', 'eu_geodcat_ap_2'])
Note that in both cases the order in which you define them is important, as it will be the one that the profiles will be run on.
- If you want to use custom schemas with multilingual support, you need to use
. A fixed version is available at mjanez/ckanext-fluent.
To add multilingual values from CKAN to RDF, the [SchemingDCATRDFProfile
method _object_value](./ckanext/schemingdcat/profiles/base.py)
can be called with optional parameter multilang=true
(defaults to false
If _object_value
is called with the multilang=true
-parameter, but no language-attribute is found, the value will be added as Literal with the default language (en).
The custom ckanext-dcat
profiles have multi-language compatibility, see the ckanext-dcat documentation for more information on writing custom profiles.
Example RDF:
<dct:title xml:lang="en">Dataset Title (EN)</dct:title>
<dct:title xml:lang="de">Dataset Title (DE)</dct:title>
<dct:title xml:lang="fr">Dataset Title (FR)</dct:title>
"en": "Dataset Title (EN)",
"de": "Dataset Title (DE)",
"fr": "Dataset Title (FR)"
Example with missing language in RDF:
<dct:title>Dataset Title</dct:title>
"en": "Dataset Title"
To run the tests:
pytest --ckan-ini=test.ini ckanext/schemingdcat/tests
This repository includes a Docker Compose configuration to simplify running tests. The CKAN image is built using the Dockerfile located in the docker/
To test against the CKAN version you want to use, proceed as follows
Build the necessary Docker images. This step ensures that all dependencies and configurations are correctly set up.
docker compose build
After building the images, you can run the tests. The Docker Compose configuration mounts the root of the repository into the CKAN container as a volume. This means that any changes you make to the code will be reflected inside the container without needing to rebuild the image, unless you modify the extension's dependencies.
docker compose up
To compile a .po
file to a .mo
file in the terminal, you can use the msgfmt
tool, which is part of the gettext
package. Here are the steps to do it:
(if not already installed):- On most Linux distributions, you can install
using your system's package manager. For example, in Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install gettext
In Fedora:
sudo dnf install gettext ```
- On most Linux distributions, you can install
Compile the
file to.mo
:- Use the
command to compile the.po
file to.mo
. Make sure you are in the directory where your.po
file is located or provide the full path to the file.
msgfmt -o ckanext-schemingdcat.mo ckanext-schemingdcat.po
- This command will generate a
file in the same directory as the.po
- Use the
Let's assume your .po
file is located in the i18n/en/LC_MESSAGES/
directory inside your project. Here are the complete commands:
- Navigate to the Project Directory:
cd /path/to/your/project
Navigate to the Directory Containing the
File:cd i18n/en/LC_MESSAGES/ ```
Compile the
file to.mo
:msgfmt -o ckanext-schemingdcat.mo ckanext-schemingdcat.po ```
- **Verify that the
file has been generated in the browser.
An improvement to [
] (https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-fluent) to allow more versatility in multilingual schema creation and metadata validation. ↩