Miso.Events is a small collection of methods that enables an object to publish events and allows others to subscribe to it.
To add it to your code, mix it in like so:
var yourObject = {};
_.extend(yourObject, Miso.Events);
If you have a constructor, make sure to extend the prototype:
var YourObject = function() {};
_.extend(YourObject.prototype, Miso.Events);
this.publish(name, *...)
Allows an evented object to publish/broadcast an event to its subscribers.
var myObject = function(){
this.publish('initialized', 1, 2, 3);
anObject.subscribe(name, callback, options)
Allows one to subscribe to events events.
Options can include:
- an alternate context rather than the object itself.token
- a Unique token by which the subscription is identifiedpriority
- Allows rearranging the existing callbacks by priority.
var myObject = {};
_.extend(myObject, Miso.Events);
myObject.subscribe('greet', function() {
console.log("say hi");
`anObject.subscribeOnce(name, callback, options);
When wanting to react to an event only the first time it triggers, use the subscribeOnce method. The rest of the parameters are identical to the subscribe
Allows unsubscringing from a specific event.
myObject.unsubscribe(name, identifier)
The identifeir can be:
- a callback
- a token
You can omit the identifier to unsubscribe all events for a particular name
To build Miso.Events you'll need npm, node.js's package management system and grunt
npm install
To build Miso.Events, call
from the project root.
Please submit an issue or find @iros (@ireneros on twitter) or @alexgraul.