This is an implementation of a RISC-V CPU implemented in Verilog to be run on an FPGA. The board being used here is an iceFUN with a Lattice iCE40 HX8K FPGA.
This project was created by forking the Intel 8008 FPGA project changing the memory_bus.v module to take a 32 bit databus and changing the core processor to decode RISC-V instructions.
IO, Button input, speaker tone generator, SPI, and Mandelbrot acceleration.
lb rd, offset(rs1) iiii iiii iiii sssss 000 ddddd 0000 011
lh rd, offset(rs1) iiii iiii iiii sssss 001 ddddd 0000 011
lw rd, offset(rs1) iiii iiii iiii sssss 010 ddddd 0000 011
lbu rd, offset(rs1) iiii iiii iiii sssss 100 ddddd 0000 011
lhu rd, offset(rs1) iiii iiii iiii sssss 101 ddddd 0000 011
addi rd, rs1, imm iiii iiii iiii sssss 000 ddddd 0010 011
slti rd, rs1, imm iiii iiii iiii sssss 010 ddddd 0010 011
sltiu rd, rs1, imm iiii iiii iiii sssss 011 ddddd 0010 011
xori rd, rs1, imm iiii iiii iiii sssss 100 ddddd 0010 011
ori rd, rs1, imm iiii iiii iiii sssss 110 ddddd 0010 011
andi rd, rs1, imm iiii iiii iiii sssss 111 ddddd 0010 011
slli rd, rs1, imm 0000 000 shamt sssss 001 ddddd 0010 011
srli rd, rs1, imm 0000 000 shamt sssss 101 ddddd 0010 011
srai rd, rs1, imm 0100 000 shamt sssss 101 ddddd 0010 011
sb rd, offset(rs1) iiii iii rrrrr sssss 000 iiiii 0100 011
sh rd, offset(rs1) iiii iii rrrrr sssss 001 iiiii 0100 011
sw rd, offset(rs1) iiii iii rrrrr sssss 010 iiiii 0100 011
add rd, rs1, rs2 0000 000 rrrrr sssss 000 ddddd 0110 011
sub rd, rs1, rs2 0100 000 rrrrr sssss 000 ddddd 0110 011
sll rd, rs1, rs2 0000 000 rrrrr sssss 001 ddddd 0110 011
slt rd, rs1, rs2 0000 000 rrrrr sssss 010 ddddd 0110 011
sltu rd, rs1, rs2 0000 000 rrrrr sssss 011 ddddd 0110 011
xor rd, rs1, rs2 0000 000 rrrrr sssss 100 ddddd 0110 011
srl rd, rs1, rs2 0000 000 rrrrr sssss 101 ddddd 0110 011
sra rd, rs1, rs2 0100 000 rrrrr sssss 101 ddddd 0110 011
or rd, rs1, rs2 0000 000 rrrrr sssss 110 ddddd 0110 011
and rd, rs1, rs2 0000 000 rrrrr sssss 111 ddddd 0110 011
beq rs1, rs2, offset iiii iii rrrrr sssss 000 iiiii 1100 011
bne rs1, rs2, offset iiii iii rrrrr sssss 001 iiiii 1100 011
blt rs1, rs2, offset iiii iii rrrrr sssss 100 iiiii 1100 011
bge rs1, rs2, offset iiii iii rrrrr sssss 101 iiiii 1100 011
bltu rs1, rs2, offset iiii iii rrrrr sssss 110 iiiii 1100 011
bgeu rs1, rs2, offset iiii iii rrrrr sssss 111 iiiii 1100 011
ebreak 0000 0000 0000 00000 000 00000 1110 011
auipc rd, imm iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii ddddd 0010 111
lui rd, imm iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii ddddd 0110 111
jalr rd, rs1, offset iiii iiii iiii sssss 000 ddddd 1100 111
jal rd, offset iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii ddddd 1101 111
For src/riscv_mandel.v, this instruction is encoded as mulw.
mandel rd, rs1, rs2 0000 001 rrrrr sssss 000 ddddd 0111011
x0 zero
x1 ra
x2 sp
x3 gp
x4 tp
x5 - x7 t0 - t2
x8 s0 / fp
x9 s1
x10 - x17 a0 - a7
x18 - x27 s2 - s11
x28 - x31 t3 - t6
This implementation of the RISC-V has 4 banks of memory. Each address contains a 16 bit word instead of 8 bit byte like a typical CPU.
- Bank 0: 0x0000 RAM (4096 bytes)
- Bank 1: 0x4000 ROM
- Bank 2: 0x8000 Peripherals
- Bank 3: 0xc000 RAM (4096 bytes)
On start-up by default, the chip will load a program from a AT93C86A 2kB EEPROM with a 3-Wire (SPI-like) interface but wll run the code from the ROM. To start the program loaded to RAM, the program select button needs to be held down while the chip is resetting.
The peripherals area contain the following:
- 0x8000: input from push button
- 0x8004: SPI TX buffer
- 0x8008: SPI RX buffer
- 0x800c: SPI control: bit 2: 8/16, bit 1: start strobe, bit 0: busy
- 0x8020: ioport_A output (in my test case only 1 pin is connected)
- 0x8024: MIDI note value (60-96) to play a tone on the speaker or 0 to stop
- 0x8028: ioport_B output (3 pins)
- 0x8038: UART TX buffer
- 0x803c: UART RX buffer
- 0x8040: UART status: bit 1: rx_ready, bit 0: tx_busy
iport_A is just 1 output in my test circuit to an LED. iport_B is 3 outputs used in my test circuit for SPI (RES/CS/DC) to the LCD.
The MIDI note peripheral allows the iceFUN board to play tones at specified frequencies based on MIDI notes.
The SPI peripheral has 3 memory locations. One location for reading data after it's received, one location for filling the transmit buffer, and one location for signaling.
For signaling, setting bit 1 to a 1 will cause whatever is in the TX buffer to be transmitted. Until the data is fully transmitted, bit 0 will be set to 1 to let the user know the SPI bus is busy.
There is also the ability to do 16 bit transfers by setting bit 2 to 1.
The UART runs only at 9600 baud. Reading from UART RX clears rx_ready.
The mulw instruction opcode is implemented as a mandelbrot instruction and is tied to the mandelbrot.v module.
mandel t0, t1, t2
In this case t1 should contain a 16 bit fixed point value in 6.10 format representing the real value, t2 will have the fixed point imaginary value, and after something like 2 to 45 CPU cycles, t0 will contain a number between 0 to 15 with the value of that coordinate in the Mandelbrot set.
An example of its use is in lcd.asm and a video of the speed difference is shown on the project website.