- Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Code and example for the paper "Computationally efficient multi-level Gaussian process regression for functional data observed under completely or partially regular sampling designs."
A bash script to search and install extensions from extensions.gnome.org
Simple Smart Pipe: python productivity-tool for rapid data manipulation
Python library for using dplyr like syntax with pandas and SQL
R & stats illustrations by @allison_horst
Add multiple colors to your R console and RMarkdown output 🎨
Function-oriented Make-like declarative workflows for R
Extracts the historic word occurrence of a search term in academic papers
三 R package: An Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress Updates
bash and zsh shell history suggest box - easily view, navigate, search and manage your command history.
Litarvan's LightDM HTML Theme
Turn your RStudio untitled tabs into gists. You monsters.
w0lfschild / afloat
Forked from vjt/afloat🔝 MacForge plugin to adds useful window management commands on macOS
A maintained fork of PyAmazonCloudDrive (pyacd), a 3rd-party Python library for accessing Amazon Cloud Drives.