Breaking Changes
None of these changes are likely to effect anyone but they could so here are the ones that may break things:
- Updated arguments passed to BotConnectorBot.listen().
- Renamed ISessionArgs to ISessionOptions and also renamed Session.args to Session.options.
- Made Session.createMessage() private. It doesn't need to be public now that we have new Message builder class.
- Changed EntityRecognizer.parseNumber() to return Number.NaN instead of undefined when a number isn't recognized.
Other Changes
- Significant improvements to the Reference Docs.
- Fixed a couple of bugs related to missing intents coming back from LUIS.
- Fixed a deep copy bug in MemoryStorage class. I now use JSON.stringify() & JSON.parse() to ensure a deep copy.
- Made dialogId passed to Session.reset() optional.
- Updated Message.setText() to support passing an array of prompts that will be chosen at random.
- Added methods to Message class to simplify building complex multi-part and randomized prompts.
- BotConnectorBot changes needed to support continueDialog() method that's in development.
- Fixed a typo in the import of Consts.ts for Mac builds.
- Updated LKG build and package.json version.