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Inference code for scalable emulation of protein equilibrium ensembles with generative deep learning


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DOI:10.1101/2024.12.05.626885 Requires Python 3.10+

Biomolecular Emulator (BioEmu)

Biomolecular Emulator (BioEmu for short) is a model that samples from the approximated equilibrium distribution of structures for a protein monomer, given its amino acid sequence.

For more information, see our preprint.

This repository contains inference code and model weights.

Table of Contents


bioemu is provided as a Linux-only pip-installable package:

pip install bioemu


The first time bioemu is used to sample structures, it will also need to setup Colabfold on the side. This process can take ~5-10 mins. By default, Colabfold is installed on ~/.localcolabfold - if you want this changed please set the COLABFOLD_DIR environment variable before running the code for the first time.

Sampling structures

You can sample structures for a given protein sequence using the sample module. To run a tiny test using the default model parameters and denoising settings:

python -m bioemu.sample --sequence GYDPETGTWG --num_samples 10 --output_dir ~/test-chignolin

Alternatively, you can use the Python API:

from bioemu.sample import main as sample
sample(sequence='GYDPETGTWG', num_samples=10, output_dir='~/test_chignolin')

The model parameters will be automatically downloaded from huggingface. See for more options.

Sampling times will depend on sequence length and available infrastructure. The following table gives times for collecting 1000 samples measured on an A100 GPU with 80 GB VRAM for sequences of different lengths (using a batch_size_100=20 setting in

sequence length time / min
100 4
300 40
600 150

Reproducing results from the preprint

You can use this code together with code from bioemu-benchmarks to approximately reproduce results from our preprint.

The bioemu-v1.0 checkpoint contains the model weights used to produce the results in the preprint. Due to simplifications made in the embedding computation and a more efficient sampler, the results obtained with this code are not identical but consistent with the statistics shown in the preprint, i.e., mode coverage and free energy errors averaged over the proteins in a test set. Results for individual proteins may differ. For more details, please check the document on the bioemu-benchmarks repository.


If you are using our code or model, please consider citing our work:

@article {BioEmu2024,
    author = {Lewis, Sarah and Hempel, Tim and Jim{\'e}nez-Luna, Jos{\'e} and Gastegger, Michael and Xie, Yu and Foong, Andrew Y. K. and Satorras, Victor Garc{\'\i}a and Abdin, Osama and Veeling, Bastiaan S. and Zaporozhets, Iryna and Chen, Yaoyi and Yang, Soojung and Schneuing, Arne and Nigam, Jigyasa and Barbero, Federico and Stimper, Vincent and Campbell, Andrew and Yim, Jason and Lienen, Marten and Shi, Yu and Zheng, Shuxin and Schulz, Hannes and Munir, Usman and Clementi, Cecilia and No{\'e}, Frank},
    title = {Scalable emulation of protein equilibrium ensembles with generative deep learning},
    year = {2024},
    doi = {10.1101/2024.12.05.626885},
    journal = {bioRxiv}

Side-chain reconstruction and MD-relaxation

BioEmu outputs structures in backbone frame representation. To reconstruct the side-chains, several tools are available. As an example, we interface with HPacker ( to conduct side-chain reconstruction, and also provide basic tooling for running a short molecular dynamics (MD) equilibration.


This code is experimental and is provided for research purposes only. Further testing/development are needed before considering its application in real-world scenarios or production environments.

Install optional dependencies:

pip install bioemu[md]

You can compute side-chain reconstructions via the bioemu.sidechains_relax module:

python -m bioemu.sidechain_relax --pdb-path path/to/topology.pdb --xtc-path path/to/samples.xtc


The first time this module is invoked, it will attempt to install hpacker and its dependencies into a separate hpacker conda environment. If you wish for it to be installed in a different location, please set the HPACKER_ENVNAME environment variable before using this module for the first time.

By default, side-chain reconstruction and local energy minimization are performed (no full MD integration for efficiency reasons). Note that the runtime of this code scales with the size of the system. We suggest running this code on a selection of samples rather than the full set.

There are two other options:

  • To only run side-chain reconstruction without MD equilibration, add --no-md-equil.
  • To run a short NVT equilibration (0.1 ns), add --md-protocol nvt_equil

To see the full list of options, call python -m bioemu.sidechain_relax --help.

The script saves reconstructed all-heavy-atom structures in samples_sidechain_rec.{pdb,xtc} and MD-equilibrated structures in samples_md_equil.{pdb,xtc} (filename to be altered with --outname other_name).

Third-party code

The code in the openfold subdirectory is copied from openfold with minor modifications. The modifications are described in the relevant source files.

Get in touch

If you have any questions not covered here, please create an issue or contact the BioEmu team by writing to the corresponding author on our preprint.


Inference code for scalable emulation of protein equilibrium ensembles with generative deep learning



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