I started a Master of Information Technology in March, 2020. I find it hard to visualise what I know, where I've been, where I'm going next. So I finally got around to scribbling on these road maps and making a big todo list. A work in progress, forever, until I die!
Download your roadmaps from roadmap.sh, fork this repo and forge ahead with me, if you dare.
- Node / Express
- Docker / Docker Compose
- Local Storage
- Users, Database managment
- Processing and p5.js
- Networking 101
- GraphQL
- Kubernetes
- JWT Auth login, etc.
Taken from @kamranahmedse's roadmap.sh. Scribbled on by me.
- Road maps by @kamranahmedse
- Shield logo by me, @miclgael.
- Backpack icon by Alana.