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Equilibrix: Smart Delta-Neutral Yield on DeFi

Equilibrix is an innovative DeFi protocol that leverages delta-neutral strategies to provide stable and secure returns for investors, regardless of market direction. Its primary goal is to simplify investment management by automating complex calculations and reducing market risks.

Note: This repository contains only the frontend part of the project. The backend and other components are managed in separate repositories.

Key Features

  1. Delta-Neutral Strategies: Minimize risks by balancing long and short positions, ensuring stable returns in volatile crypto markets.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: Manage investments effortlessly through a simple dashboard, requiring no specialized skills.
  3. Flexible Options: Choose from various strategies and assets, enabling portfolio diversification and risk control.
  4. Automation: All calculations are performed by the platform, allowing investors to focus on results.
  5. Capital Preservation: Strategies prioritize capital protection, even in challenging market conditions.

Equilibrix makes DeFi accessible to everyone, offering a seamless experience for both novice and advanced investors.

Core Technologies and Tools

  1. React
    Description: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces, React allows developers to create reusable UI components and manage the state efficiently in web applications.
    Documentation: React Docs

  2. Next.js
    Description: A React framework for building server-side rendered and statically generated web applications. It provides features like routing, API handling, and optimization out of the box.
    Documentation: Next.js Docs

  3. TypeScript
    Description: A superset of JavaScript that adds static typing, enhancing code readability, maintainability, and reducing bugs during development.
    Documentation: TypeScript Docs

  4. TailwindCSS
    Description: A utility-first CSS framework that allows developers to design responsive and modern interfaces directly in the markup with predefined CSS classes.
    Documentation: TailwindCSS Docs

  5. Wagmi
    Description: A set of React hooks for working with Ethereum-based applications, enabling features like wallet connection, contract interaction, and more in Web3 projects.
    Documentation: Wagmi Docs

  6. NextUI
    Description: A React UI library designed to provide customizable and accessible components to build responsive and beautiful user interfaces effortlessly.
    Documentation: NextUI Docs

  7. ESLint
    Description: A static code analysis tool for identifying and fixing problematic patterns in JavaScript and TypeScript code, ensuring consistent coding standards.
    Documentation: ESLint Docs

  8. Prettier
    Description: An opinionated code formatter for JavaScript, TypeScript, and other languages, Prettier enforces consistent styling rules to improve code readability.
    Documentation: Prettier Docs


To run and develop the Equilibrix project, make sure your system meets the following requirements:

  • Node.js: Version 16 or higher. You can download it from Node.js official site.
  • Package Manager: One of the following should be installed:
    • npm (comes with Node.js) - recommended version 8 or higher.
    • yarn - optional, install globally using npm install -g yarn.
    • pnpm - optional, install globally using npm install -g pnpm.
    • bun - optional, install globally from Bun official site.
  • Git: To clone the repository and manage version control. Install it from Git official site.
  • Browser: Modern web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge) for testing the application.
  • IDE/Editor: Visual Studio Code is recommended for development. Install it from VS Code official site.

Setup Instructions

Follow these steps to set up and run the Equilibrix project locally:

1. Clone the Repository

git clone
cd equilibrix

2. Install Dependencies

Install the required dependencies using your preferred package manager:

npm install
# or
yarn install
# or
pnpm install

3. Configure Environment Variables

Set up the necessary environment variables by creating a .env file in the root directory. Use the provided .env.example file as a template:

cp .env.example .env

Edit the .env file with your project's specific configurations, such as API keys, database URLs, or other required variables.

4. Start the Development Server

Run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

The application will be available at http://localhost:3000.

5. Start the Project in Production Mode

To start the project in production mode:

npm run start

6. Build for Production (Optional)

To build the project for production:

npm run build

The build output will be located in the .next/ folder.

7. Lint and Format Code (Optional)

Run Prettier and ESLint to ensure code quality:

npm run prettier:fix
npm run lint


Deployment on Vercel

The Equilibrix project is deployed on the Vercel Platform, ensuring fast and reliable performance.
You can access the live version of the project at the following URL:

Live Project URL:

Steps to Deploy on Vercel:

1. Connect Your Repository:

Log in to your Vercel Dashboard.

Click New Project and connect your GitHub repository for Equilibrix.

2. Configure Build Settings:

Framework: Next.js (Vercel will auto-detect it).

Build Command: npm run build.

Output Directory: .next/.

3. Set Environment Variables:

Navigate to the Settings → Environment Variables section in your Vercel project dashboard.

Add the variables from your .env file.

4. Trigger Deployment:

Push changes to the main branch (or the branch you configured).

Vercel will automatically trigger a deployment.

5. Monitor Deployment:

Visit the Deployments tab in the Vercel dashboard to check the build status.

Once deployed, your changes will be live at


Learn More

For additional resources:

Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.

Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.

Vercel Documentation - learn about deploying with Vercel.
