Metabase examples, related projects, and ecosystem. Inspired by dhamaniasad/awesome-postgres.
- Official Metabase Documentation and Forum
- Metabase Socials
- Metabase Examples
- Metabase Partner Drivers
- Metabase Community Drivers
- Related Projects
- Docs - Metabase reference materials
- Learn Metabase - Tutorials and guides on Metabase, analytics, data modeling, and more
- Discourse - Metabase community forum
- Ruby Static Embedding Sample
- Node.js Static Embedding Sample
- Static Embedding: Reference Web Apps
- Financial Modeling Package - re: The Startup's Guide to Financial Modeling
- Edumation Embedding Demo - source for this demo
- dev-scripts - scripts that can be helpful for local development and troubleshooting
- Node.js Interactive Embedding Sample
- Metabase QA - databases used for testing
- Deploy for Heroku
- SSO Examples
- Sample Driver: Sudoku
- Docker CI
- Sample Driver
- (WIP) Static Embedding Samples
- (WIP) Metabook - developer notes
- ARCHIVED Heroku Buildpack
- Using Python with Notify API
- Signed Embedding Example for Testing
- Update user emails via Metabase API from a CSV list
- Metagraph - identify related entities within your Metabase application database
- Permission Override
- Oracle Database via Docker Compose
- SQL Server via Docker Compose
- Presto and Trino via Docker Compose
- Log to file
- CockroachDB via Docker Compose
- Pub Sub with NGINX via Docker Compose
- Timeline Task Viewer - view Metabase tasks on a timeline with their duration
- Metabase and Cube demo
- Load Testing Metabase
- NGINX HTTP2 via Docker Compose
- Scaling Test
- Metabase on M1, Mx, ... Processor
- Magento via Docker Compose
- Running Metabase on a Subpath
- Permissions Scaling Test
- SQLite via Docker Compose
- Metabase Feature Graph
- LDAP SSO Example
- Standalone SSL via Docker Compose
- CrateDB via Docker Compose
- Trino via Docker Compose
- Clickhouse via Docker Compose
- Odoo via Docker Compose
- Prometheus and Grafana via Docker Compose
- Serialization Examples
- Embedding Metabase in app on M1
- Keycloak SAML SSO via Docker Compose
- Metabase on ARM via Docker Compose
- MySQL SSL via Docker Compose
- Telemetry Workbench
- Example App DB with Certs
- Jetty SSL via Docker Compose
- Stress Test DB Connections
Partner drivers are supported by Metabase Partners.
Community drivers are unsupported.
- Cube.js
- DB2
- Dremio
- DuckDB
- Firebird
- Hydra
- Impala
- Neo4j
- Spark Databricks
- Teradata
- Netsuite SuiteAnalytics Connect
- Databend
CAUTION: Use at your own risk, these are not officially related to Metabase.
- DBT Metabase
- Deploy Metabase on Render
- Elevate Metabase Tools
- MetabasePy - Python API wrapper
- Metbase API Python - Python API wrapper
- Metabase integration with Frappe web framework
- Metabase-py - Python API wrapper
- Metabase Google Sheets Add-on - insert Metabase dashboards into Google Sheets
- Metabase Ruby - Ruby API wrapper
- libre-ops/metabase - Ansible role for provisioning Metabase
- Terraform AWS Metabase Example
- Metabase PHP - PHP API wrapper
- Metabase on Google Kubernetes Engine
- Heroku examples with Kafka, Redshift, and Metabase
- Chrome Extension - Metabase ChatGPT
- Doing something awesome with Metabase? Create an issue or submit a PR to add your awesome project to the repository.
- Link not working or find an error? Please create an issue or submit a PR to let us know!