Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.5.23
What's new ?
- [Chore] Move position and verbiage registration log message @leecalcote (#342)
- [Chore] misspelling of "adapter" @leecalcote (#340)
- Fix timestamp @alphaX86 (#337)
- Add newcomers workflow w/signoff @Ankita13-code (#336)
- Add signoff @Revolyssup (#335)
- Modify e2e wf @Revolyssup (#334)
- Usemeshkitfunc @Revolyssup (#333)
🧰 Maintenance
- [CI] Remove $ in e2e test workflow @leecalcote (#345)
- Edit date syntax to print with SHA @alphaX86 (#344)
- Change format for date and SHA (for filenames) @alphaX86 (#343)
- Fix symbols for filename (SHA) @alphaX86 (#338)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Ankita13-code, @Revolyssup, @alphaX86 and @leecalcote