This repo contain the ansible playbook and shell script to create Kubernetes Cluster on AWS Cloud through Ansible.
- AWS Account
- Ansible installed in laptop
- Aws IAM user access and secret key
- Aws key-pair
Update system and install dependency
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt install software-properties-common -y
Add repo via PPA
sudo add-apt-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt install python3
sudo apt install ansible -y
sudo apt install ansible-core -y
Install pip
, and ansible-galaxy
if not present in system.
apt install python3-pip
sudo apt-get install python3-boto3
ansible-galaxy collection list
ansible-galaxy collection install
git clone
cd ansible-kubernetes-deployment
Now we have to configure our aws access key and secret access key in aws vault to provision instances
# Create Password for vault
openssl rand -base64 2048 > vault.pass # vault.pass is can be any name
# Add your credentials using the below vault command
ansible-vault create group_vars/all/pass.yml --vault-password-file vault.pass
ansible-vault edit group_vars/all/pass.yml --vault-password-file vault.pass
copy below ansible playbook file and change required details as per your aws account, pem-key
, region
, security-group
, and image-id
- name: creating ec2 instances
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: yes
instance_type: "t2.medium"
region: "us-east-1"
- name: start an instance with a public IP address
name: "{{}}"
key_name: "kubernetes"
instance_type: "{{instance_type}}"
region: "{{region}}"
security_group: launch-wizard-1
- assign_public_ip: true
image_id: "{{item.image}}"
environment: "{{}}" # we can change tags also
aws_access_key: "{{aws_access_key}}" # variable from vault as defined
aws_secret_key: "{{aws_secret_key}}" # variable from vault as defined
- { image: "ami-005fc0f236362e99f", name: "Kubernetes-Master"} # ubuntu 22
- { image: "ami-005fc0f236362e99f", name: "Kubernetes-Node"} # ubuntu 22
Run below to validate or dry run the playbook
ansible-playbook <file-name>.yml --vault-password-file vault.pass --check
Execute below command to Create Instances
ansible-playbook <file-name>.yml --vault-password-file vault.pass
Now check in aws console, whether the Instances got created or Not. then copy the public IP address and paste in Inventory.ini file.
Run below command on local system
ssh-copy-id -f "-o IdentityFile <path-of-pem-key>/<keypair-name.pem>" ubuntu@<instance-public-ip>
# now connect with ssh
ssh ubuntu@<instance-public-ip>
Now go inside ansible-kubernetes-deployment directory and Execute all the ansible playbook using below command.
ansible-playbook install_softwares.yml -i inventory.ini --vault-password-file vault.pass
ansible-playbook initialize_master.yml -i inventory.ini --vault-password-file vault.pass
now run below command to copy the updated file into your system
scp -i <keypair-name.pem> ubuntu@<instance-public-ip>:/home/ubuntu/ ./
ansible-playbook join_node.yml -i inventory.ini --vault-password-file vault.pass
ansible-playbook install_docker.yml -i inventory.ini --vault-password-file vault.pass
Run below command on Kubernetes-Master
kubeadm token create --print-join-command
Run below command on Kubernetes-Node
<join-command> --v=5